I don’t think they’re pricks, but I have come to think of them as at least as bad as the Sith, since both of them seek to create imbalance in the Force by allowing only their side to exist.

My knowledge isn’t as extensive as a doctor, who could possibly put a definitive end to our speculations... I just have a wicked good memory. ^_^

True... But the above article is about what I’d cost us - in the present real-world - to make his armor from scratch, and not what I’d cost the Emperor.

I doubt Lucas would have shown what likely looked like an open flesh wound on a Ken doll’s crotch, which is probably why the Legends timeline never really delved into that.

For an in-universe calculation, yes... But the article is about making Vader’s armor in our universe, at this very time.

No, but it did get dipped in something that’s 700 to 1200 °C (1292 to 2192 °F) hot... To put that into perspective, if you could get your stove that hot, large parts of it would melt and anything on the stove would light on fire.

Why not “Cul-De-Sac”? ^_^

That’s probably why foreigners aren’t allowed down there... With all the hair products they use, it’ll draw long greasy lines along the ceiling, that’ll eventually erode the cheap building materials and create a tunnel collapse.

Yeah, that junk is gone... Like, nonexistent gone!

This breakdown is missing a crucial and often costly component: Research and development.

Both the TIE/fo and TIE/sf - which are exclusively used by the First Order - feature a lot of differences from the TIE/LN commonly used by the Empire.
For example, they all have life support systems, deflector shields, detector absorbing black paint (only works at a distance), hyperdrives, and (only in the TIE/sf) 2

Actually, I’ve come to see the bright side of this...

Argh... My soul...

Why..? Why are these “people” so adamantly trying to turn gaming - something they supposedly love - into the kinda Orwellian bullshit this will result in?

And Hodor’s name is Walder, but he was nicknamed after the one nonsensical word he can mutter (likely because he’s suffering from damage to his Broca’s Area, causing complete aphasia).

She’s also not being mocked for her height, so she isn’t as fitting to my argument. ^_^

Whoooo... My prediction still stands then: Rey is Luke’s sister!

Force sensitivity isn’t inhereted unless 1 parent is massive connected to the Force, and the vast majority of Force users are born generations from the previous Force user in their family, if their family even have one.
Plus, in Canon it is heavily implied that people can gain Force sensitivity later in life, whether

Ask Tyrion Lannister if “dwarf” makes you less than everyone else! ^_^