*raises charred squirrel in agreement*

Oh, so small things can’t be humongous..?

Typical interstellar victim blaming, huh!

So it’s “dim”, “humongous” and we completely overlooked it until it’s majesty became obvious..?
Why the effing hell did you guys name it the “Hodor Galaxy”, like we all know it is?

Aaand why would there be problems with that..?

Technically, the major doesn’t have and - depending on the version - might never have had, a biological body... So it could be explained away as an aesthetic choice by her, though that’s still something they’d have to do very carefully.

Now playing

Up in the sky, look: It’s Putin! It’s a digital abomination! No, it’s Man-Bear without the Pig!

My problem is that it’s beginning to feel as if the shows (TV and Netflix) aren’t in the MCU, and merely makes vague references to events that superficially resemble events in the movies... Which is okay, as I’ll watch it anyways since they’re all excellent, but it’s starting to feel as if we were lied to when we were

So... You guys don’t have the money or time to get a room somewhere on Earth, get everyone in charge into said room at the same time, and plan what should be happening in your multi-billion dollar franchise?
What about access to a computer or smartphone, through which you could do a conference call over some sort of

Given the context, the “white” bit is heavily implied... Their gender isn’t, however.

Well, that kinda implied, what with this being Hollywood, and a bunch of people who thought digital yellow face was an option to test out.

I believe they give us trained raptors with their natural plumage, a motorcycle, and the right to ride with out new saurian motorcycle bro’s within city limits... ^_^

Also, during large parts of our evolution, humans were actively preyed upon by terror birds, which means that just like spiders and snakes, we could have a built in aversion to large birds.

Google “Dinosaur mummies”. ^_^

An open letter to Paramount...

Which fits my theory perfectly!

No... My theory is that the real reason behind people’s avoidance of feathered dinosaurs, is that they become too f*cking scary!

I believe this is what you’re looking for. ^_^

They should just post a sign saying “Running and screaming: Non-optional!”. ^_^

Woah what!? Some of my favorite museums don’t even have dinosaur skeletons and my all-time favorite museum became my favorite solely because their Egyptian mummy exhibit is friggin’ amazing!
You have to walk past a lot of real Ancient Egyptian statues and recreations of Egyptian art from pyramids, to get to a door that