It’s good that i consider myself a local of Earth, then. ^_^

Yeah, that’s why he agreed to briefly show up as a Force ghost, and he did eventually come to cherish it, since he could then spend his last years being selective about roles, but initially he was just being a bit of a diva.
James Earl Jones got the same deal, after seeing that Guinness got it.

Oh, he hated it afterwards, as well... To the point where he’d often refuse interview questions about Star Wars, until he finally clarified why: “I shrivel up every time someone mentions Star Wars to me.”

Wait, people haven’t realized that Hawking has an amazing sense of humor? This is the guy who’s said he should be on Keeping Up With the Kardashian so he could be famous for the right reasons (now that’s an exothermic reaction applied to the entirety of the dermis!), and said that “Life would be tragic if it weren’t

Sounds like America might need to reintroduce and/or reinforce cinema etiquette, which is usually the kinda thing you can successfully do with nothing but social pressure.
That, or you start showing movies at a higher volume (drowns out the noisy folks) and with low-temperature high power infrared emitters around the

No, he pretty much hated the whole thing from the moment he read the script... But because he thought the script was an early draft with overly descriptive placeholder dialogue (when he was actually given the filming script) and because Lucas was a gushing fanboy of his, he decided to accept the job.
And to his credit,

Good job Emmerich! In the first movie, you utterly failed to understand how computer actually work, and this time you utterly failed to failed to understand how gravity works!
If only American had some kinda computer experts or highly educated physicists, whom you could contact through some form of interconnected

Oh, it gets worse once you realize that binary computers are likely to be utterly extinct, waaay before any civilization musters up the development for interstellar travel. So at the very least, the fitting analogy you so expertly crafted, needs to start with a kid learning the math needed to program Charles Babbage’s

My kid brother almost got expelled, when he told his teacher that he’d found the folder that the grades for the entire school was on, on the non-password-protected Windows server belonging to the school, in the directory D:\Files\Grades.txt... Apparently, him clicking on the network icon and then on the server,

Since everyone else is calling you out on the majority of the bullsh*t in your rant, I’d like to tackle something else: The “Scandinavian area” bit.

While those 10 degrees and the causes behind them are absolutely horrifying examples of what we’re doing to our planet, it’s undoubtedly a welcomed gift for my fellow Danes, to get a few weeks of “t-shirt and no jacket” weather.

100% VG juice, with a flavor only accessible to him called Freedom.

If we’re the only life-bearing planet in the entire universe..? We’re going to colonize the stars, loose contact with a colony for billions of years, and finally bump into them in a faraway galaxy, thinking this human species, that evolved along it’s own new line, is an alien species.
Then, a few trillion years will

Nope... I’m of Viking descent, so if it can’t be eaten with my bare hands or while using an ax as my sole utensil, I’ll refuse to even consider it food.

Well, that’s officially the most metal fireworks show I’ve ever seen... Figuratively and literally!

Scratch that note, because a planet stripped of its atmosphere and upper rock layer, won’t even have indirect mineral evidence of what the former atmosphere primarily consisted of. All you’d find is what’s was hundreds of miles below its former mantle, which won’t show any evidence of a possible civilization.

And in terms of space debris, we should probably look at the expanses between planets in another solar system, since gravity would pull it into any planet it might orbit.

Carve it into a large solid diamond and launch it onto the moon... That should keep it nice and safe. ^_^

Almost there... Keep practicing. ^_^

You’re passionate about this for good reasons, as it is very much a travesty that progress still needs to be forced in this manner, when all of this should have been over centuries ago. So it’s perfectly understandable, especially when i read some of the other comments here.