Even if they could convince a population building their economy so they can secede from Denmark and finally become a nation nobody owns, as well as convince the nation of Denmark to sell a large portion of the nation (something the Danish government is starkly against), the estimated value of Greenland is currently

Carlsama, this one is for your grandfather:

I know... It’s suddenly raining here as well!

I love these Scoobi-Doo revelations! ^_^ Most are shouting “GHOST!” or “MONSTER!”, and then some meddling sciences tear off the mask, and surprise: It’s just the dude who ran the water-slide. ^_^

They’re extremely early tech demo videos from 2013, according to pretty much every other site. So all it really shows off, is a few of the features they wanted to add in 2013 and a handful of models exported from ME3's Unreal engine into the Frostbite engine.

Wait what!? I don’t think our species have been more communal in the entire 200,000 years since we evolved. I mean, look at this site alone, which draw in and connect thousands from across the world, in instantaneous communication about a plethora of subjects.

Well... Here’s what my mind saw, as i thought about how Drumpf supporters would react!

I know, i know, I’m just ragging on the article’s blinding lack of caution. The various things in the pits are all interesting and could be the key to many future pharmaceuticals (and more), but until more research is done, stuffing them in blenders and mixing the powder in with one’s food seems... Irresponsible and

It’s been “on the way” since 2013 and as of December 2015, it’s still in the early planning stages. So don’t hold your breathe. ^_^

I didn’t even have to read the abstract, as i was laughing at this absurdity halfway through the article. Those pits coevolved with Pleistocene megafauna, and evolved a cocktail of unpleasant-to-deadly chemicals to make sure mammals wouldn’t chew the pits (cats, cattle, dogs, goats, guinea pigs, horses, rabbits, and

Oh, no no no Marvel! Why would you do this, to us and to yourself!?

Until all the enemies of the Dark Side have been crushed, you’re not too late. ^_^

The original description of Metropolis is it as the sole rival of the national capitol, and a global center of art, music, news, architecture, and trade, with a space age version of downtown NYC’s architecture.
Gotham, on the other hand, was just New York by it’s 1800's nickname.
This is why - currently - Metropolis

And it would work, since YouTube would allow us to select what we wanna know more of!

DC comics started out as Detective Comics, which specialized in pulp fiction detective and thriller comics, with a minor emphasis on science fiction. Their superheroes belonged to the science fiction bit and many were purchased (including Superman), so to begin with they were plastered across time and space, and thus

Meh... This seems rather minor, since it’s only ever visible when the trunk is opened, so I still hold that the front is the biggest design flaw. Not because it’s grille-less (which I’m perfectly fine with and I’d love to see more of), but because they left a sorta “hump” where the grille should have been, which makes

How about the post-intercontinental blitzkrieg victory parade? What car goes well with that?

Ha ha, no worries. I hope we’ll run into each other again as well, so have a drink on me and may the Booze be with you! ^_^

I like the subtle ones, like the Annoy-A-Tron. ^_^