You just gave me an idea for a devilishly evil brilliant plan!

And book covers always showcase exactly what’s contained within the book, ammirite?

Very silly, indeed... Which means we’re on the right track.

  1. Probably, but you’d need speeds that’d put your life in serious risk, even if you use airbags, seatbelt and a car with an amazingly designed crumble zone.

Nice breakdown and some fair points.

Excellent points, though unless it’s sole purpose is thermal protection, the boob contouring will render it pointless.

Lightsabers also look really good, but if every singular science fiction movie since 1978 included them, the unrealistic nature of them would quickly outweigh any style points.

While the boobed armor looks good, why is this still a thing? It’s such an idiotic design choice in armor, that it actually lowers the wearers chances of survival, and ultimately places the armor’s protectiveness to somewhere between bikini bra and leather jacket.

Mine is called Painbringer!

Oh sweet, innocent, blissfully ignorant researcher... Clearly you have never met a small Goth girl, who are the deadliest and most destructive of forces in nature.
My hypothesis is that they contain the natural human levels of evilness, but their small size concentrate and focuses it into a beam of pure world-ending

Indeed! This is all too common a cause of death, preventable easily by common sense and people caring.
Hell, some of the biggest and often forgotten genocides in modern history, has been the result of stock desktop background across multiple modern operating systems, which could have been easily prevented with a solid

From that photo alone, I doubt it. But with a sample group of 1, my chances of being gravely wrong is immense. ^_^

Not unless you think “heterosexual” is a gender and the statistics collected data from 160% of the people... Hence the reason i included “while the gender distribution”, just after mentioning the largest demography.

No no no... It’s absolutely perfect, as the acronym - by itself - perfectly describes the basics of the condition, much like Seasonal Affective Disorder does. ^_^

Remember: As you’re pounding on faces and literally lighting the world on fire, continuously repeat “My apologies! It is a condition, caused by a parasite that may be contagious!”.

Wait wait... “IED”, as in the same acronym used for the improvised explosive devises often used to kill soldiers in modern warfare?
Wow, this is the second time medicine has made an awesomely descriptive acronym, after coming up with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

That’s part of it... You can’t fight some forms of inequality without fighting all of them, just like you can’t demolish a house by removing nothing but the doors and windows.

Oh no, that was horrible. Most of those demos are recorded waaay to close to the actress to be the least bit enjoyable, even when viewed just to see the tech in action. I constantly leaned back, as it feels “in your face” in a “something’s about to hit you” way.

Correction: The biggest demographic is heterosexuals (roughly 60%), while the gender destribution is 47% women and 51% men (the remaining 2% being “other”).

Well yes, that’s exactly what the world has been fighting for! Equality is one of the leading and most important issues in the western world, in terms of how many it negatively affects and how much it’d improve everyday life for the vast majority of people.