A pterosaur that wanna make more dinosaurs, is significantly weirder to me than a pterosaur that’s indifferent to human suffering. Or maybe this is just the ptesauri version of those human environmentalist extremists who’d rather see humanity go extinct, than for lab rats to be used in an ethical scientific experiment.

Me too, Tony! Up top!

Well, he’s a composed and helpful butler 99% of the time, until it becomes absolutely needed for him to switch to his military training and tough love.
This has been loosely canon Alfred since the mid 80's Crisis in Infinite Earth’s reboot of the Continuity, until it was thoroughly cemented as canon in the New 52 in

This is why i f*ckign love the Alfred in Gotham. Finally, we get the kick-ass no-nonsense Pennyworth, who we all know could kick James Bond’s pansy ass in a battle between the greatest British one-man armies!

Well, since we’ve already scared ourselves shitless with anti-AI movies, they really don’t need to do anything other than look vaguely menacing. And that’s significantly more energy efficient than outright aggression.

Or grab the stick out of his hands, break it without pause, and then tell him to run... And then for the next month or so, Google’s Self-driving cars keep driving past his house very slowly, while stray Roomba lawnmower robots keep chugging up hockey stick splinters on his lawn.

Nah... I’m a villainy classicist, so i prefer finger tenting and maniacal laughter when I’m excited about what evil i can bring upon the world.

Yes... To an expression of excitement! ^_^

Of course we want them to run! Do you have any idea of how many hockey stick wielding jerks exist in the world?

Here’s a little secret i learned from the party industry: Most professional dancers are hired to dress like those invited to a large event and simply dance on the dance floor, in order to encourage others to dance.
So getting some to dance in special outfits and on a stage, isn’t standard and has to be requested on top

I’m 100% with you on this, especially since they’re pulling out the age old and incredibly wrong trope of the “evil Great White”, when they’re probably the least of humanity’s sea borne worries. Most of their “attacks” is merely curiosity and non-fatal, while bull or tiger sharks bite to eat.

I actually wrote something similar to begin with, and then realized it didn’t really cover the level of surprise these galaxies invoked. They were literally thought to be impossible, much like a space borne animal is.

The one who loves science? Too late. ^_^

No no, i fully got that and are amazed at the things we’re still finding in the archives. I’m one of the people who’s been combing through the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, where i helped the discovery of Pea Galaxies, which - like the Super Galaxies in the article - where unknown, paradoxical and right under our noses in

I fully intend to, which is why I’m pointing out that he severely diminished his analogy.

No, it’s not really like zoologists missing an elephant-sized land animal, given the vastness of the universe and the seemingly paradoxical behavior we didn’t expect.
It’s more like xenobiologists missing an elephant sized animal, that’s paradoxically thriving in Jupiter’s rings.

Wasn’t trying to say his Hyperloop would solve things, but merely that the above Twitter honesty would be sweet music to someone who’d want to replace the SF rail system.
I could have named a transit company or another emerging technology, but none would as widely recognizable as Musk’s Hyperloop, and therefore

Somewhere in America, an Elon Musk is stirring and a scaled model Hyperloop is dusted off.

First of all, where the hell did that wolf come from and why wouldn’t AlphaGo offer it to play Go?
Plot holes, man! They’re confusing and hint at a story we’d much rather hear!

Unless this video includes a spectacular and very literal 8K time travel sequence, this blacksmith isn’t using Damascus Steel, as that’s lost to history despite hundreds of million of dollars of research trying to replica it. Research that has lead us to find that it was likely a Wootz Steel from an Indian or a Sri