A scientists was wrong about a field he has no training or degree in!?
What happened to the world? Soon, doctors wont turn out be fully versed in engineering and then we’ll all be fucked!

Google ‘Mary Seacole’... She was probably the most successful Victorian Brit of African lineage, kicking ass through a wicked smart mind and a heart of gold, and yet she wasn’t even recognized as “British” because she was a shade too dark.
She had full British citizenship, a famous Scottish father, enough money to run

Brilliant alternate history answer! As far as the series in the article go, it’s probably a little too “best case scenario” for a world that also resulted in technology stagnating for hundreds of years.

Like i already pointed out to another commenter, I was talking about the genre in general and not this series, as it makes some sense in this series (depending on how they explain it, obviously).

Yes, that’s the look of steampunk, but the story is still a combination of the history, mentality and popular opinions present during the 1st and 2nd Industrial Revolutions (steam and electricity), combined with the gritty and dark themes of cyberpunk.

Well, i was talking about the genre in general and not any specific work from it. Of course, putting the series in an America identical to our 2016 America, means it should be diverse and inclusive.
Same goes for steampunk taking place outside of Europe, where Caucasians would probably be the enemy.

You want to move the story forward in time, so you invent several highly unlikely events (no combustion engine, WWI and WWII) that’d be beyond hard to explain away... Especially the combustion engine part, as steam and combustion engines were invented alongside each other.
So i just wanted to point out that going

Instead of slowing down, why not speed things up? After all, the time period in which steampunk is placed, crosses over with the very late part of a period of incredibly dicketry and corruption in business.
Or in other words, the era in which your company couldn’t break the law if you also donated money to the British

Since the basic idea of steampunk is “retro-high-tech cyberpunk-like story, taking place in Victorian-era northern Europe”, with the emphasis being the golden age of the British Empire, France and (infrequently) America, I actually think it’s a good idea they keep it predominantly white.

But pure chance, i was listening to Zepp Overture (the theme from Saw) while reading this article, which made the whole thing infinitely more sinister and frightening... Until i realized i was listening to the theme, of course.

It just seems way too easy and waaay too predictable to do it this way. Not that that’ll keep them from writing it that way, but it will be the least creative and least shocking revelation, especially in a franchise known for unpredictable plot twists (Vader being Luke’s father, for example).

Well, raw milk is a tad more complex, as it’s a food item that requires a significantly deeper understanding of the product and a high risk for anyone who can’t obtain the product directly from the source, than what the modern consumer is willing to accept. It was already too complicated for the average consumer in

My pleasure.

Do you own an computer and/or a smartphone? Well, then you’re a cyborg able to instantly send the sounds, sights and thoughts you experience, to any other cyborg on the planet.

*sudden shudder*

No, because science doesn’t need to prove anything, as the totality of human history proved the dangers of raw milk, not to mention that statistics prove the efficiency of pasteurized milk. Or in other words, the starting condition is raw milk, which is fairly easy to prove the existence of.
Hell, Louis Pasteur’s

They’re so used to just being agreed with that they’ve lost their ability to question these subject, so stay strong and don’t back down until they give you an answer!
Everyone else will just nods knowingly (despite none of them knowing anything), reinforcing the notion that they’re experts on something they’ve

This is one of the times I’m exceptionally happy to live where i live, as this would be straight up murder under Danish law. Religious freedom and the right to parent according to one’s beliefs, only extents as far as the physical safety and well-being of a child.

Every effing time people say shit like that, i just ask what toxins they’re talking about. Half the time they’ll just list off random stuff that’d require several types of very specific forms of threatment or medications, and the other half it’s just some ethereal “toxin” that somehow builds up in your system to cause

Now playing

Given the movies emphasis, I thought Top Gun’s success had nothing to do with planes, and everything to do with totes platonic bros just bro’ing it up through prolonged full-contact sweaty displays of masculine, and lots of thinly wailed homosexual innuendo...