This is honestly the thing I hate the most about games, gamers and the gaming industry, making me as sad as i am angry.

This reminds of “slow television” like the 153 hours long “minute by minute” Norwegian boat ride... And now i want a 153 hours long “slow television” version of this, so my TV can just run the scenery of an alien world for hours, while i go about my life.

First problem i see here, is that returning to Earth will mean certain death. Not because of some natural process, but because extremists from at least 2 mayor religion (Christianity and Islam) will hunt you down and kill you, no matter the result.
If there ever was a “Historical Jesus”, he would have been nothing like

Yeah, I consider this kinda thing more of a faux pas or a pointless musing, as long as the preceding data/science is sound, free of cognitive biases and everything that all scientific papers should have. And if not, then it’s fairly obviously why the data was fudged and where the researcher’s biases come from.

But which one? There are roughly 38,000 recorded deities through all of recorded human history (counting only those with recorded names and excluding aliases), out of which 25-50% had some role in their respective creation myths.
So saying “the Creator”, is pretty much the theological equevalent of saying “the girl

Assuming that FTL is possible, it is indeed very much feasible. But it runs into a plethora of other problems that’ll make it rather useless, like: The solar system is incredibly old (to us).
To put that into context, you’ll need to travel roughly 4,6-5 billion Ly (light years) away to reach the birth of the sun, which

When this is released, people better start thinking of me as a reclusive hermit living thousands of miles from civilization, because that’ll be the ease at which i will be reachable.

Enterprise is actually among my favorite Star Trek series!

They’re red in the majority of his appearances and originally meant to be “deep red” canonically, but on the darker set of The Empire Strikes Back the color wasn’t visible, so they downgraded the prop to save cash.
In Legends (the old Expanded Universe) it was explained away as a helmet upgrade, meant to improve the

Whatevs! You’re not my dad, granddad... So just... UGH... Okay!?

If she was delusional and experiencing a psychotic break, then she can’t and shouldn’t be held responsible. She should be treated, medicated, rehabilitated, and nursed back to the real world, at which point her own consciousness would take care of any punishment.
Mental illness is no more a choice than being born,

The first half of the above article mentions it multiple times, as well as mentioning that she likely spent an unspecified amount of time at the local psychiatric facility McLean Hospital.

You guys might wanna strike Lazarus off the list, as it was abandoned by its developer 5 years ago, after the release of the controversial “freemium” and highly buggy version that made most (including me) seek an alternative.
Even the site you’re linking to doesn’t exist anymore, and .XPI installation files from other

Woah woah woah, why not Marvel’s Ultron or Loke!?

Am I the only one who sees those ancient human hand prints and feel a strong urge to go to the cave and put my hand on one of them, as if I’m almost reaching through time, to touch the hand of what could easily be an ancient ancestor.
Not that i would ever do it, since it’s a priceless and historically important

It’s not that easy...

We’s the hillbillies of Milkyway Galaxy, while all ‘em big core slickers strut around the fancy galactic center like they’s own the darn place!

Excellent point. Most people overlook the fact that we’ve hardly ever listened, compared to the time scale of the universe (the universe have been able to support life for 14 billion years and we’ve been listening for signs of life for less than 100 years).

Salacious Scoliosis Aficionados’ Bi-Monthly... They had to class up the name, to make up for the fact that the modeling was literally back breaking.