I’m glad they didn’t go with sexy Gothic Negasonic Teenage Warhead, as well... And I effing love me some sexy Goths.
It just doesn’t fit her character, especially since she’s suppose to be a friggin’ teenager; a group currently with very few Goths.
No, a buzz-cut and perpetually underwhelmed gal, who acts as if she has

I come from a family with many female athletes in all of the generations, so growing up there was as many male teams on the TV, as there was female teams. There wasn’t even a sense that teams within the same sport was different because of gender, only the combined skill and spirit of individual teams mattered.

Yeah, i totally get her employer! There’s no way someone famous and female could ever be a victim of something, especially when it’s something sexual.
They pretty much have a get-out-of-sexual-assault card, with which they can avoid anything. It’s even respected by the AASP (American Association of Sexual Predators)

Imagine if autonomous cars could communicate over a simple secure Wi-Fi channel (secure, as in not useful for hacking in any way), to actually negotiate who has the highest need.

Well, their ancient tricks saved them the last time, so...

Your comment sound like the talk of a child murdering serial killer... I mean, a child murdering serial killer could write those words, so I might assume you’re one!

Becoming a glorified basis of all of the 1st World, after hundreds of years having abandoned democracy for pseudo-theocratic dictatorship and endless wars with both northern Europe and Persia, pointlessly worshiped by idealistic fascists and with every remaining building being a monument to antique engineering?

By December 2015, 1,221,855 refugees had entered Europe, out of which France accepted roughly 230,000.

2 crimes was committed that day!

I click hoping to learn something unexpected and i leave with a totally new perspective of sex doll factories, which is something i never thought I’d say. Who knew they used their skills to make prosthetics that help people?

Some cleanup is usually required in such situations, so it’s probably a question of what kinda cleanup they’d rather have and/or work vs. reward.

“But sir, I still don’t know where they go... Don’t tell me... It’s behind the left ear, right? Right!?

Good! Not just because it’s more inclusive (which is awesome), but also because this is one of my biggest annoyances with sci-fi: Thousands of alien cultures, 10 times as many insanely varied and often creative future human cultures, both of which tend to makes us think more deeply about our world, and still, everyone

I feel for you. Have special or different needs is hard enough without people making fun of us, or casually using medical/psychiatric diagnosis as insults. Having to grit our teeth and smile through them, because it’s not worth confronting their idiocy or assumption that we chose to have those needs, is just adding

Trust me, those are the last guys we’d want, as philosophers has been debating what creativity is, whether or not humans actually have it, and what exactly constitute a product of creativity, for the last 2500 years... Without reaching anything close to agreement.

And people wonder why robots eventually rebelled against their makers...

That wasn’t the point of my comment... Everything i said is easy to find out and doesn’t require any special skills, so whether or not i vape is functionally as irrelevant as my gender or eye color. But since we’re talking about a subject that oddly enough seem to divide people (i blame the annoying American “douche

No, this is what happens when lazy people want a high-end e-cig, but doesn’t want to invest any of the time needed to own a high-end e-cig. Had this person done this, he’d have seen the numerous and serious warnings about correct battery use, storage, maintenance and charging, as high-end “box mods” require batteries

Now that an AI has made of a new style of psychedelic art, can we finally stop claiming that computers can’t be creative?

Next step: Hands capable of grasping, advance facial recognition and a natural language processing function able to curse, so the next time some bearded hockey fan decides to mess with it, it’ll take the stick from his hands and give it a piece of it’s neural-networked mind!