Every tech company has one closeted neo-luddite jerk... But at least they could put theirs to good use. ^_^

Argh, you beat me to it. ^_^

First issue in any problem solving presents itself here: We’re only getting her point-of-view, which could be distorted to an incredible degree.

Holy shit... Watterson and Herbert as the foundation of a clash between deep-thinking creatives and lawyers!? No way this’ll be a boring story about next to nothing!

Same story, different details... And it’s nothing short of f*cked up that society insists on forcing an archaic black-and-white viewpoint, obscuring all depth and injustice in the real world.

Well, this is the reason why i haven’t played fighting games in over a decade, so yeah...

They’re Luke-and-Han’s-first-adventure kinda friends... 2 fellas who’s immediate needs just so happens to align, who happened to have complementing personalities that makes it easy for a friendship to blossom, and who choose to stick around even though they have zero obligation to help each other.

It’s the flip side of gender inequality: When women aren’t seen as human beings, men can’t have a human connection to any of them and are expected to categorize all women neatly into “family member”, “past conquest”, “future conquest” and “get away from me, ugly wench”.

Wookiee warrior culture actually focuses on someone’s living action and honors death by celebrating what an individual did while alive, so given the fact that Chewie’s the kinda warrior-code dedicated warrior who leaves his wife and children to protect Solo (after Solo saved Chewie’s life in an imperial slave camp), i

This! Yes! It’s so nice to hear I’m not alone in this.

I don’t get it either... But I also don’t get the idea of “shipping” characters, as it just feels creepy to insist that character should be together, just because someone wants to get their rocks off. And that’s coming from someone who hates authorial intent and think fan-fiction is the highest praise any franchise

As for the Chewie/Leia question, I don’t think Chewie would have been open to a hug.

No, no, no no no... It’s “Hella-carrier”, because it’s one helluva aircraft carrier when you arrive to the party! ^_^

Excellent example, though the quality suffered thanks to a lot more than Whedon splitting his time... Chief among which is Fox’s appalling treatment of Whedon during the production of Firefly.

To me it looks more like indecisive leadership, constantly fluctuating between too much control and letting creative people do their job.
My theory is that he have been trying to make the Doctor Who series he wants to watch and not what would improve the franchise, as if he’s trying to make his limited pre-hiatus

Excellent list of examples, though it should be noted that “showrunner” is still a largely informal industry term in America, so more often that not (especially when we’re talking non-American media), it’s just what people call the current executive producer in charge, which can change form day to day.

Showrunners are the very top of the hierarchy, so generally speaking, they can choose their day-to-day involvement being anything from 30 minutes of signing off on other’s decisions (distributed responsibility), to 16 hours of spending every conscious moment managing every asset, dollar, team member and actor (extreme

First off, the company and its first product is called “Denuvo”. It’s kinda like the difference between the company “Google” and the number “Googol”, in that “Denuvo” is a company with a uniquely spelled name, while “Dē novō” is the Latin term they borrowed.


Oh yeah, forgot about that one.