There are many different forms of reaction to something funny, one of which is merely the recognition that something funny happened or a joke was said. Others include “internal laughter”, the “heh” smirk, and laughing oneself silly.
And having never seen a sitcom that induced anything but recognition that a joke

What!? What kinda twisted individual masturbates to the image of a newborn breastfeeding?

Still not getting it, huh..?

“Foreign language film”? Only in the English speaking (as a first language) part of the world, is such a thing noteworthy. ^_^

Great... Just friggin’ great!

Okay people, place your bets... How logn until someone combines an AI with this, to created technologically mediated selective hearing, able to filter out words, terms, concepts or anything they do don’t, and replace it with things they do want.

Dinsey, take note: This is exactly what you need!

As some who may or may not have pirated, and who’s talked to a lot of pirates about their “what, when and why”, I might be able to shed some subjective light on this.

How long do you think it’ll take until a company’s customer service gets away with this:

I know, but they’re not handing me tracking cookies or unwanted 3rd party shit.

Uh, I’d listen to Aztech, just to hear what the revival of ancient sounds would sound like.

I don’t drink regular coffee either, but i just chose something that sounded hipster-ish... That, or something someone would say using hyphens, to mess up a word association game. ^_^

I should have been clearer and that’s my flaw: I was referring to viewing it on a phone.

Debatable, but i see your point.

I agree... I really should stop giving trolls the benefit of the doubt and try to engage them in adult conversation, when the one-liner replies and avoidance of actually giving any answers, should just make me go “Nope!” and dismiss the comment.

What in the... None of those are examples of ironic, in any way shape or form.

I’m not so sure about #2, because looking at the dwarf planet Ceres, there’s one thing that sticks with me: That’s no moon!

Post on, my wayward son.
There is peace now you are done.
Lay your weary meme to rest.
Don’t you cry no more.

Wow... I never thought I’d see someone who thought reality was “a bit too much Hollywood”, but reality saw fit to toss me another wonder.