Dude, that’s like level 1 stuff.

That’s probably because shitting at home also affords me the comfort of taking my pants completely off and have my legs spread approximately 4 feet apart.

Yeah, the Mortis ordeal was a bit heavy handed and felt more like something out of the Infinities label, but what really got me interested, was that we kinda got to peek behind the curtain of the Cosmic Force.
That, and the fact that the Family was a amalgamation of some of Lucas’ early ideas about Force users, a lot

His respirator can actually be quite soothing, as we naturally tend to time our breath to a repeated sound... So basically: Slow deep breathes.

Oh no no, i got all the same impressions about maul form how the episode ended, i wasn’t confused about them. But while watching the episode, it all felt so uncertain and the possibilities to offer complexity was all up in the air. I mean, wouldn’t you love a grey jedi Maul, combining everything we know into something

Wait, she’s not a Star Wars fan!? Okay, so i need you to call 911 right now and then hurry into her room to start administering CPR, because she dead on the inside! And if she moves, make 100% sure she doesn’t bite you, as that’ll transfer the Zombie virus!
Make haste!

Oh, I’m so envious of your roommate now! Why isn’t she watching everything with you, just to get some of that awesome feedback?
Best i have is a friend who sometimes drop by because she loves Doctor Who and hates horror (well, she also drop by to hang out, eat dinner, watch other things, etc), so she needs someone to

Can someone please invent an anti-Hoverboard hoverboard?

I say we build a large funeral pyre and place those 2 (still living) lovebirds on top, before lighting it up... Might seem backwards and cruel, but not as much as beating a 2 year old to death!

Well, the final frame of Kanan in the hallway of the ship, has him looking an awful lot like a Miraluka, so if they’re not going to include them, they’re probably drawing on them for inspiration.

The heft of a joke drops exponentially with how much it’s explained. ^_^

True true, though i was talking about these things in general and not just this one example.

Yeah, i was shocked as well. I had him pegged as a stoner-ish surfer-type “dude” back when the concept art was revealed for the show (he basically looked like a Jedi version of Shaggy from Scooby-Doo), and now i fucking love how awesome he is.

And the ending... Uh, i felt the ghost of Kubrick, with those epic shots of individual characters in hallways and up close. ^_^

Unless she can time travel, it’s not her. The temple is so ancient it was “lost” on a planet that nobody has been on for thousands of years, the temple was built around that Holocron as the key, and Holocron’s cannot be rewritten.

Holocron are a Force imprinting of a person, so death wouldn’t mean anything as long as she was alive at the same time as the Holocron and was recorded before she died.

I know, right... I feel like I’ve seen her grow up throughout the years, from a spritely spirited Padawan, into an amazing Force wielding force of nature, so this is pretty much like losing a beloved little sister or niece, before they she had a chance to experience peace and put down her sabers.
And thus, i can’t and

But fans deal in absolutes, like Sith.

Just get one that says “GR1LL”.

That old junker!? Sure, you take that, I’ll just go in my Upsilon-Class Command Shuttle, and we’ll see who gets there first. ^_^