Well... If we ever want to terraform a newly formed Earth (so we don’t have to wipe out whatever life may be there, to make it 100% Earth-like), we’ve got plenty of time to built some kinda self-guided spaceship, with all the necessary manufacturing-, cloning- and engineering equipment.

Uh, i love having dreams like that! They’re the absolute best. ^_^

Now playing

You’ve gotten me all wrong, my friend. ^_^

Fire away... I’ve read the entirety of Wookieepedia while waiting for The Force Awakens and my memory is crazy good. ^_^

Hubris, arrogance, planning, good scripts, results of focus groups, fan service, marketing... The list of reasons is probably as long as a dictionary, since there’s rarely just one reason.

Nope... He’s non-canon in both Legends and Canon.

And we all know who’d win in a fight between the wispy hippie carpenter and the Dark Lord of the Sith... So all hail Vader!

Woah, hey, woah, don’t judge! Leia has needs too, so maybe if Han wasn’t constantly bro-ing it up with his furry friends, hyperspacing off to The Force knows where, for long expanses of time, she wouldn’t have been enticed by the sole holodisk carrier who treated her like the princess she is!

Since there are humans, there are humans. Why or how was never revealed before Disney slammed on the reset button, but excluding cut or cancelled story lines, Star Wars humans are merely a species outwardly human looking that evolved on a planet in another galaxy.
And if we include cut or cancelled story lines, Star

I’m gonna start selling the show to people as “tits and dragons”.
Nothing more is needed for get in casuals, and - frankly - all of us, if we’re being honest.

Hollywood aren’t lying to you, they’re trying to preserve what they believe will be a movie moment for the ages, in the face of hordes of fans who’s already dissected rumors, stolen scripts, or guessed what said moment is.

To be fair, he also repeatedly said that he learned to like Star Trek as an adult, because they were finally philosophical in a manner that was relevant to the world around him. He just couldn’t connect the dots as a kid.

And non-scammy spambots inviting you!

What do you mean by “Wannabe”? Have you built more impressive and/or more Supervillain-ish weapons, or are you just holding this villain up to the unrealistic supervillain standard put forth in movies?

I’m many things, but I’m not a species and therefor can’t go extinct.

How about Eye of a Tiger, The Imperial March, or basically any high energy metal music?
Hell, if I was participating in this war, I’d be listening to a randomized playlist of select Metallica, Slayer, Fear Factory, Exodus, Dio, Black Sabbath, and Celldweller songs!

Honestly, I’m surprised you forgot the most obvious scenario of all: War.

We’re exceptionally good at predicting future problems and even better at making sure numerous scenarios never happen, but Murphy’s Law haunt us anyways and it wont be any less of a problem to our descendants. Best we can do is to go extinct (which we obviously will at some point) and leave behind a better/fitter

Woah woah woah, that’s going a bit overboard, isn’t it!? Surely, the police would commit a war crime, by indiscriminately blasting Nickelback within a 1000 miles radius of a life bearing area!

Must... Resist... Urge... To make jokes...