Oh, it is funny as all hell, when someone so uptight cannot grasp that the spooky f-work can be used outside of comedy or swearing, is confronted with someone unafraid to use it outside of comedy or swearing.

Not really, no... Given what he’s done, how he did it and his age, he’s somewhere between downright humble and extremely low-key.

Holy shit, that’s impressive. She even manages to make a cell shading effect so “real”, that the final product almost looks like high fidelity motion capture.

The main plot of Doctor Who started in season 1 , a whooping 53 years ago, and despite every season since then chipping away at it, we’re still no closer, and no less interested, to know: Doctor who?

True true... But it’s not really “Muricah” until the majority of Americans are offended by it, while the rest are furiously masturbating to it.

Well, then...

I sell the show by telling them it’s exactly what an American Doctor Who reimagening would be... EXACTLY what it would be!

You better sit down... *pads the chair next to me*

I’ll keep that in mind. ^_^

Sure, though they aren’t a measure for local successes of fails.

More people hate country namedrops than vagueness, for some reason I’ve yet to understand. But for good measure, I’m Danish.

Or... I’m not in America.

Never said it was, nor that i was in America... ^_^

Well, when such a dilemma presents itself, maybe the answer is that I’m not in America. ^_^

Wait, this is still on the air!?

Wait... Criminals and terrorists still use burner phones, when a encrypted smarphone is hundreds of times more secure?

Well... Step 1 is picking up the phone and calling people. From that point on, it’s probably gonna snowball until it becomes very real.

We could even take it one step further: The lights could be a continuous electric circuit (passing through a few LED’s to help narrow down points of failure, during in-the-field repairs), hooked into multi-step piezoelectric switches connected to tiny individual pockets of magnetorheological fluid, so that the amount

I think you underestimate the level of charity a people attain, when it’ll ensure a Drumpf does not rule... But yeah, i probably should have added that, just for the reference. ^_^