Few things makes me as proud as the fact that I, and most of my fellow countrymen and -women, descend from Viking women! Those gals kicked so much ass, that armies of men never invaded our cities when Viking men were out raiding.

This is absolutely amazing, and awesome, and wonderful, and I’m running out of words to describe this, besides calling it the absolute best invention for the internet since the concept of Wiki’s.

Yes Jesus, evil is my middle name. The Tallest will be proud of me! PROUD!

Just equip it with an early 90's Text-to-Speech engine and a thousand random memes to pick from when a human confronts it, and nobody will notice anything.

Indeed. Especially since the (not even fully) 2 seasons that were made, makes up Nick’s most viewed and 2nd most profitable (after the Avatar franchise, which beats Zim by a few millions), by Nick’s own admission!

Don’t worry about choosing, because the correct choice is always Invader Zim.

I truly appreciate the thanks, but all i really did was sign a piece of paper and have my blood drawn. The real heroes here are the researchers, who took my small donation, along with the donations of thousands of other people, and spun gold from it.

Since the Amazons were exterminated by the Hittites around 1200-1150 BC, and since Hippolyta took part in the Trojan War around 1260-1180 BC, “3200 years ago” would be more accurate. ^_^

In canon material, she’s only described as having been born after Themyscria was isolated from the world (at around 1200 BC, when the real world Hittites exterminated the Amazons), so she could easily be thousands of years old... But not 5000!

Normally i wouldn’t care about her age, since the comic books Wonder Woman have been both thousands of years old and a few decades old, and since a woman’s age doesn’t really factor into how much ass she could hypothetically kick (until she get old enough to be too fragile to engage in combat), but 5000 is too much.

And the world needs more Zim... Desperately!

FOOL! I only kneel before the TALLEST and the doooom they bring!

HEED my command: Include copious amounts of Invader Zim or you will get no dice, VERMIN larvae things! Heeeeeeed IT! HEED IT!

Now playing

That bipedal robot is fucking terrifying! Not because of the uncanny valley, its possible military application or because movies depiction of AI controlled humanoid machines, but because of the way it walks! That kinda super-confident goosestepping makes it looks like it doesn’t give a fuck about anything, which will

Nearly a decade ago, when i was first admitted, i donated my DNA to one of the database used here, and it warms my heart to know that this tiny contribution is helping the world and my fellow schizophrenics. ^_^
Of course, a cure or a 100% effective treatment is still a long way off, but this is still a large effing

“Meal” refers to food served/eaten during one of the customary timed daily occasions for food consumption, including breakfast, lunch, dinner or even snacks.

I’ve heard of it, seen it, wielded it... And it’s called a pattern welded Viking era sword, as that’s the name of the technique used and the Scandinavian design era it belongs to.

Here’s a hot tip, from someone who comes from a family with a lot of metalsmiths: If society ever collapses and you have to rebuild, steel cable will be your absolute best source of metal for blades.

If you know what you’re doing, common steel cable is not only better than high quality steel bars, it’s also cheaper.

Those 2 are not mutually exclusive. Not to mention I’d question what you mean by “real” game, as the opposite would be a “fake game”, “unreal game” or “nonexistent game”.