Oh yes, Europe has it’s fair share of fucked up things in the past and present, but never have we collectively tried to accelerate and simultaneously deny a human made mass extinction event (quite the opposite, in fact), that could result in a die-off of between 50% and 80% of Earth biomass.
Allow me to underline that:

Where you can find it: Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Your own DVD rack (if you have any taste)

Common mistake. ^_^

In this context, “Piracy” is an informal term that has been used for copyright infringement since the 1550's, originally used to get people to give a damn about illegal copiers of books. Because, you know, if you live in the largely illiterate 16th century, a pirate seems infinitely more scary than someone slowly

Yeah, but that came after they’d stolen a tribe’s storage of corn seeds, half of them had died from exposure and they stood face-to-face with the powerful Wampanoag sachem named Massasoit, who’d previously had very negative run-ins with Englishmen. Not that i think they had bad intentions, as those Pilgrims seemed to

The facial expressions of the people in the background are priceless.

Why do you think they guy’s praying? He’s clearly filing a customer complaint with AmazonHeaven, as he got the wrong prayer fulfilled.

Wait, they removed the car being worshiped by Americans and didn’t amend the huge error that those natives aren’t being slaughtered for land? Typical revisionist art!

No no no, they’re fighting a “Anti-Muricah Gobberment” lead by a extremist socialist Muslim born on the part of Hawaii that’s Kenya, who constantly steals guns, kills Americans by making them significantly healthier, and is invisible when appearing on stage with Clint Eastwood.

Dude’s clearly saying “And thou Majesty?”, to which she’s replying “We believeth the fungi hast kicketh in, for we perceiveth what we have nameth ‘ex rayth skulls’ around Dee and can not stop adding ‘-th’ into our speech! See if thou can maketh Dee conjureth up ‘psychic-delic art’...”!

There was a scientific paper on this recently (if memory serves, Jezebel or one of the other of the Gawker sites covered it), which surveyed thousands of people across 10+ culturally different countries. And the results were interesting to say the least.

Neither do I...

What!? Your brother is weird and/or lazy!

He sounds like a real keeper... By a closed psych ward, that is.

So a rich businessman suggests ideas that a businessman should know would be bad for everyone, while suggesting huge and insanely restrictive regulations will strengthen free trade, and not conflict with his promises for a small and non-restrictive government..?
Are we sure that this isn’t some ineffably complex and

You know what? I think I will, if nothing else but to try my hand at writing a short story. ^_^

Yes, but unlike his season 4X surprise return, this is the one with Schrodinger’s Catgirls (you know, the ones who are both an empowering pro-feminism icon, and a sad mockery of both feminism and the female form, until they remove their bra and someone observes their “boxes”).

Yeah, but that was like 2 weeks later, which means it was after the conclusion of season 58, and after the beginning of the pre-inter-sequel to season 32, 15 and Pi.

Hence the reason i added the “hell”. It’d have to be constantly hiding behind the star, emit negligible amounts of charged particles, make next to no gravitational lensing, and feature an incredibly tiny accretion disc, and even then it would be amazing that we hadn’t noticed it.

If i was better at drawing and had the right equipment, i would made the art myself. But since I’m lacking both, i opted for describing it. ^_^