HA! Typical Zigerion scammer mistake!
Which means it’s time to fight da power... By getting naked!

Obviously we’re missing something, likely in the shape of a previously unknown or underestimated phenomenon. Hell, it could even be a tiny black hole.

Super Scientific Zombified Think Tank Squad VS. The Walking Sheds of New Zealand.

Oh, i f*cking love that show!

*folds hands*

Given the subject matter, why not raise the stakes? So now, in my native tongue of Danish, I’ll officially give you the search for these tomes, as an epic quest.

I blame Lucas for Jar Jar, not Best.

*rolls up newspaper tightly*

Yeah, it’s not the only one that fishy, but it definitely stands out.

I’m sorry, but that’s a pretty clear cut case of rape. A “No.” remains a “No.” until it’s retracted by the person giving it, and a “Yes.” only remains a “Yes.” until a “No.” is given or the act consented to has finished.
On a more positive note, you seem to be resilient and hardy enough for this assault not to have had

He spend so much time on them for 2 reasons.

The part were written language failed to convey my tongue-in-cheek joking. ^_^

Only if you have people who love you, so they can send messages with love through time, while inside a 3 dimensional construct in 4 dimensional space.

This is an enormous gravity wave detector, of a basic design we’ve had since the 50's. It’s about as useful in the development of artificial gravity generators, as a camera is in the development of architecture, since it’s only real usage in the development process, is 3rd party confirmation that a given project was

If confirmed, this would be one of the most significant physics discoveries of the last century.

Exactly... Though I’d probably compare Reese to Frank Castle, since both are above average ex-military grunt with advance CIA training and nothing to live for beyond carving out their own brand of justice.
And Finch is pretty much the standard “strategic and resourceful master mind behind the scenes” superhero

No, he co-wrote the screenplay under the tutelage and supervision of his older brother Christopher Nolan, based on the story written by Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer. Basically, he got a apprenticeship in screenwriting from his brother, instead of getting a formal education in movie making.

Well, a big part of what makes this creative team so awesome, is that they don’t wrap things up in a neat little bow.
Sure, the main story will be completed, but so far they’ve remained resolute in not exploring irrelevant parts of people’s past (irrelevant to the main story), never letting our heroes get the girl,

You do realize that Abrams is only an executive producer, right? That means he supervises the producers and various creative teams, handle finances, and/or - as is most often the case - is purely there to lend legitimacy to the final product.
Abrams hasn’t written or produced a single episode of the entire series (i