You need a hug, ‘cus I’m not above giving someone a hug when they’ve been through that episode?

I noticed the realistic superhero angle, as well. And granted, it’s pretty awesome to see what the real world’s closet thing to Batman would be, but what i really love about the show, is that it confronts the average person with debates, thought experiments and complex scenarios that are on the cusp of being reality.

The first episode is - like the majority of shows - the pilot episode. So it was made first to prove the concept, and then for screenings to get viewer responses they can use to improve the first season.
The first season also serve as a “screening” on a larger scale, which is why most shows only get good at the second

This is without a doubt one of my favorite shows currently on the air, and this is the best news I’ve heard about it in a long time.
I’d rather have an awesome show that stops before it dies creatively and lumbers into a slow decay as a hollow version of its former self, than one that lasts sooo fucking long, I’d want

Yeah, our analogies really just boil down to semantics, but we seem to agree on the details.

Good points, though i violenty disagree with calling anything that isn’t a sad popculture-fueled death trap, utilized only by those who haven’t finished the development of the frontal- and pre-frontal cortex needed to laugh it out the door, a ‘hoverboard’. ^_^

I get your point, but you’re kinda missing how my arguments isn’t the price and more the technology.
The price only factors in, in comparison to the hardware, so given that the Rift is the most expensive and the most high tech VR headset right now, the McLaren was an apt comparison to me. Sure, other types of hardware

Given LG’s current revolution in OLED mass production (having figured out a way to print OLEDs only a transparent surface) and Samsung’s desperate multi billion dollar scrambling to overtake them, OLED technology is poised to flood the marked soon. I’d be surprised if all Smartphones aren’t fitted with OLEDs by the

Yes, Glass is Augmented Reality, which belongs to the category of Mediated Reality, which in turn belongs to Mixed Reality, which is a field under Virtual Reality. I probably should have been more specific for the sake of clarity, but i opted for simplicity.

I guess someone hit that ball out of the park and now the grumpy old man next door is holding it hostage, to teach “them damn kids and their ‘hoover’ boards” a lesson.

Yes, but why would it do that!? Ever since the Kickstarter they’ve gone from revolutionary VR that revived VR in an age were we’re finally capable of doing proper immersion, to a Facebook owned company that’s releasing hardware mere months away from being obsolete, in a world were VR is cheap and simple.

Yeah, those Fett boys need to focus, because they either loose their head under pressure, or get swallowed up by other’s problems.

Yes, unless you’re a droid, you should know that Wookiees are famous for kicking ass and taking arms!

I agree with every single one, except #8.

Of course he doesn’t love selling his life work, because nobody would! Walt Disney himself even expressed that when he was approached about selling Mickey, early in his career and before he’d even gotten his company up and running, the mere thought of it felt violating.

I’m assuming it’s for the same reason some concrete buildings have red brick facades: It’s an aesthetic choice that reminds people about the past.

Well, so did the studio exec’s and the people holding the paychecks, but Cameron threatened to walk away if he couldn’t do the movie exactly as he wanted it.

Yes, but it’s fairly uncommon for the name, and not the basic property (as in the definition of the term), to be used.

First off, those are not stifling to a toddler.
At that age, they probably want to be 50 different things when they grow up, including a handful that are impossible (like unicorn, magical princes, Jedi, Spider-Man, etc). Not to mention that they can’t read.

Actually, that’s one of the few things Cameron nailed in making Avatar. It’s incredibly funny in a “meta” sense, and it showed he did a fair amount of research.