I know... The author who coined the name was probably having some serious writer’s block, so they just put in a placeholder and never got around to fixing it.

“LO-AL”, though if we use Leet we could replace the O with a 0 and/or the A with a 4. ^_^

Also, they were shooting at Finn, while wearing helmets that removed any ability to spot specific individuals from afar in even the calmest of conditions... You’d have to be a truly devout pacifist, to not open fire in that situation.

Small correction here... The Taung never called themselves Mandalorians.

I’m slightly weirded out by the use of the word “race” in the article. Surely, when you live among thousands of evolutionarily separate and visually different sentient species, travelling among them for thousands of years, baseless subdivision of members of your own species would be even more pointless than it is for

What!? Of those, i only missed Carrie Fisher’s daughter (i don’t know what she looks like or that she has a cameo) and Daniel Craig (helmet), but everything else was blindingly obvious. And I’ve only seen it once, 13 days ago!

Well, none of the various Force religions use their placement on the spectrum and whether or not they can utilize the Force, as a title. Kinda like Christians doesn’t call their preachers “Monotheistic Abrahamic Reader Able to Hold Speeches”. ^_^

Not only does it make it more inclusive, it makes it more realistic to have more than 3 women in a galaxy!

Woah woah, hold your horses! Why no love for Chewie, who’s clearly planning on kicking butt and taking arms, in terms of Kylo Ren!

Here’s a fun thought. Maybe TR-8R was just the dumbest, simplest and least well spoken Stormtrooper in history, making him shout his own name as a battle cry, instead of doing a cool one-liner!

The actor playing Boba Fett was instructed to act as Clint Eastwood’s character Man with No Name from the movie A Fistful of Dollars, even going as far as making him stand as Eastwood did on posters, giving the actor spurs on in scenes where you can’t see his feet (to put the actor and audience in the right mood), and

Do you even bother to read what i write before you reply, because thus far you’ve called me racist, claimed I’m lying and that i somehow conceited that the data was unsupported.
I’m not gonna bother to reply to the first 2 (since you seem incapable of holding a rational conversation without insulting people), but my

Thank you. ^_^

Exactly! In fact, I’ve always argued that Anakin was and is the Chosen One meant to bring balance, as he destroyed the Jedi Order that was artificially tilting the Force towards being nothing but Light jedi (except for the few Dark jedi religions they were at peace with).

I only mention Legends because it doesn’t contradict Canon, so far. Nor does it contradict the first 6 movies, as the whole idea of the EU was for fans and authors to expand the SW universe, with Lucas personally reading and accepting new material to ensure it didn’t contradict his movies.
In essence, the EU was the

I’m not doubling down, i double checked in case i was off, by wihch point i notice that i got my number from the 2013 EPA report, and so i decided to find newer numbers, in case it had risen or fallen in the 2 years since 2013.
The figure of 51-55% refers to large bodies of moving water (lakes fed by or into rivers, as

My bad, the number is indeed very much off, on further inspection. It’s actually suppose to be 55% according to the EPA, or 51% according to the FWS.

Well, if we ignore text messages, emails and the occasional subtitles, i read roughly 5000 words on a slow day, though i can hit 15000 words if i really dig in and concentrate. And i started when TFA was announced, making it a leisurely browse i could do whenever i wasn’t reading something else. ^_^

Oh, you’ve gotta take Alaska. Without it, your set of the Great White North States is incomplete and it’s just gonna look weird.
I’d be like owning and displaying every Pink Floyd album, except The Wall!

“Theistic declaration Congress yearly wasts 2 weeks of unopposed debating and voting on, to reaffirm that it should be printed on money.”