I’m sorry to burst your bubble, as you make an excellent argument off Lucas’s original (largely unexplained and heavily implied) concept for the force. But most of Legends (previously the EU and the pre-Disney movies) and Canon (so far, the 7 movies, 2 animated TV series and everything released in 2015 and onward)

I prefer an elegant weapon, for a more civilized age.

Well... I, for one, is getting out my old heavy metal t-shirts, putting some carbine hooks on my black jeans, buying an extra solid electric guitar and fighting back while blasting some f*cking METAL!

Honestly, America, is it okay if the rest of the world invades you now and puts a stop to this, because at this point we’re all looking at you like you’re the 6 year old neighborhood kid that vandalizes everyone’s gardens and cars, while his parent say “Oh, boys will be boys, amirite? Ha ha ha, good times.”.

Yeah... Hux is probably touching himself inappropriately in this scene!

Your avatar made me read your entire comment in the voice of GIR... So my only comment, is that GIR would have preferred more waffles. ^_^

Oh no no no... They were talking about introducing the exact castle from the Legends canon, which means it’s a Dracula-ish medieval castle, guarded by living gargoyle statues, draped in Imperial insignias and Renaissance style paintings of Vader’s battles, just to drive home the imagery of a Nazi-vampire-like evil

Well, no... Starcraft, Star Trek and Warhammer 40000 already did it, which would make it really bad form if the franchise that helped revive people’s love of sci-fi (nobody wanted to fund the first Star Wars, because “no audience wants anymore space movies, unless you put more softcore porn in it”, as Lucas was told

Hopefully, that’s no Sith... Because we need some variety in Force religions, instead of only seeing the 2 previously dominant ones.

No no, it was clearly a CGI artist rendition of Abrams dick overshadowing a whole world, later followed by a prolonged display of derelict corpse of Lucas’ dick, picked clean by scavengers and left to bleach in the sunlight.

Most of these are either boring or really bad, but 7 and 13 aren’t actually bad ideas.

You were a late bloomer, huh?

I’m right there with you on that... And I’m a minimalist, who prefer having the fewest possible items in my life, and getting gifts that are personal rather than expensive (i know that makes me sound hippie-ish, but I just like simplicity, so i can focus on more important things).
Hell, my grandma gives me socks every

At this point, getting bad news is just a sign that the given consumer is too damn lazy to break that cycle of negativity consumption, served by the various scare-tactics-media organizations.

Rorschach, is that you!? I thought Doctor Manhattan vaporized you back in the 80’s!

Trust me, i literally know nobody who doesn’t interpret ESB/ROTJ Leia the same way, and i actually asked my entire family over the past few days. No leading question or anything, and everyone said she faded into the background for the 2 last movies in the original trilogy.
Some even added that she got incredibly creepy

Yes, she’s indeed a top rebel commander in ESB, but outside of the novelization and Legends comics, this is never made clear on-screen. In effect, she merely comes off as a bossy woman that people seem to largely ignore and whom Han has to force onto the Millenium Falcon to save. And from thereon in, everyone of her

Yes, this is like taking symbolism 101, but to claim that someone who grew up with protestantism and converted to Buddhism, uses Catholic symbolism in a work that heavily based on eastern symbolism, is taking analysis a bit too far. I’m all for ignoring authorial intent of the overarching theme, but inserting

No, nobody but pop-psychologists are Freudians, as everything but the basic idea of a handful of his treatment methods, was laughed out of psychiatry and psychology decades ago. Nowadays, in a clinical setting, “Freudian” means the psychiatrist listens to the patient talking and then offers a half-finished

Phasma was a “Boba Fett” and I’m quite surprised that nobody has noticed it...
Boba Fett’s character design was to mimic Clint Eastwood as the “Man with No Name” in the movie A Fistful of Dollars, which meant minimal speaking, always holding or cradling his weapon, slow head turns and directly copying Eastwood’s poses