What i see is 2 guys with only roughly 4 weeks of loosely fencing based training, reverting to the fighting style of he 5 year old selves... But what I’m very much lacking, is any hint that they designed those blades to mimic their own perceived lack of penis length.

Yeah, the Bechdel test has become nothing more than a way for young feminists to feel good about arbitrary stuff, though it did start out as a useful tool for making sure that a story you’ve written, had less outdated tropes related to female conversations... And that’s were it went wrong, as it doesn’t translate from

Why do people keep insisting that most weapons are phallic!? I mean, a wielder of a long weapon may pretend it’s a penis and choose to show off their weapon in a sexual manner, but a long and slender rectangular blade is purely a tactical advantage, allowing the wielder to move it easier than a perfectly square blade

Besides the whole “who shot first” controversy (Han clearly shot first and last, PERIOD), i don’t see how any of the changes muck up Star Wars... Especially since the original versions were largely unfinished, since Lucas had to cut corners everywhere and nearly kill himself, just to get them out the door.

Oh, silly author. You went to all this trouble writing a thorough, comprehensive and wonderful article, and you accidentally put in the wrong graphics.

Did somebody shave his tears!? Please tell me somebody saved his tears!
I hear scared-scumbag/asshole-getting-punished tears can summon rainbows, cure cancer and stop ISIS!

I’m sorry, but Mr./Mrs./Mr. Lusca is currently tied up in a pro-bono class-action lawsuit, on behalf of 16 orphanages and 7 free clinics that a mobster has been trying to forcefully close. So they wont be able to take your case, in the foreseeable future, I’m afraid.

Oh, bee-have yourself!

In English, the plural of “nexus” is both “nexuses”, “nexus’” and the uncountable “nexus”.
In latin, it is indeed “nexi”.

Well, I’ve got a Nexus 5 and Nexus 5X, and neither of them can see it. Not to mentioned that all apps are viewable directly through the website, no matter what phone you might be using.

You could make the same argument about every slang term since the dawn of time, not to mention colloquialisms, idioms or anything not meant to be literal.

Indeed. Step into a swamp, bog, wetland, rocky area or anywhere high above sea level, and there’s a good chance you’re either receiving the bad mixture of naturally occurring gases or actively breathing a toxic natural gas.

I’m confused... What exactly is it that you don’t like about vapers?

I’m surprised that Anonymous is awaiting his second child, given that he’s clearly around the age of 13 to 15.

Just make sure he’ll prematurely bald and get a job as a community college dean... Then all the weirdness will kinda fade into the background. ^_^

Wow, this is uncharacteristically slow for you guys! Both apps were added to the Play Store 6 days ago and then pulled within 2 hours, after which they haven’t been seen.
I’ve personally been checking every 24 hours since i missed the original release 6 days ago, as i really want them and don’t trust APKMirror (been

I don’t get why people keep freaking out over a possible Half-Life 3 game... It’s not going to happen, unless valve sells its IP, for 1 simple reason: They don’t make games anymore!

Wait what, he just sat in the chair, without asking permission!? Those 20th century humans are so rude, just waltzing around a Federation starship like he owns the place!
I mean, imagine if this happened in the 21st century, with Putin just walking onto a Nimitz-class nuclear-powered supercarrier and planting himself

The Fallout series has had a huge impact on my life and I’m pretty fucking happy I canceled my pre-order for Fallout 4.

Now playing

I’m just gonna leave this here, to illustrate the level at which I’m pumped. ^_^