If you want to be a member, you are a member... That’s been the rules since day 1, so in a sense, you’ve been a member ever since the day you intended to join. ^_^

Given that zombies don’t pound hard on windows (touch or push their face into them, they could do) and that zombie walk participants don’t try breaking into cars unless they’re incredibly stupid (it’s not a riot, you’re uniquely dressed and in a large crowd of witnesses), it’s pretty clear that participants were

Your move, subway taggers! Until you 1up these people, your shit wont impress me!

Living with schizophrenia, all of these stories come off as “meh” to me. Off my meds, I’ve seen, heard and/or touched things more scary than these stories, while getting ready to go to bed.
You want scary? Try taking a shower, when the door suddenly pops open and nothing but a wall a utter black darkness stand on the

“Buttery”? You mean “full”, as in it having a creamy and rich oily palate, because if it actually taste like butter, you’re cooking it with waaay too much butter. ^_^

Meanwhile, here in Denmark, that kinda fraud would result in immense fines and possibly fishermen loosing their license, as we take our fish serious... You kinda have to when you’re a series of islands and a peninsula, and have the strictest food legislation in the world. ^_^

Excellent point!

I’m not an American, so some miscommunication might have happened here. When i say “gun rights”, i mean the “continuation of current gun laws and/or the lessening of gun regulation”.
I actually have nothing against gun collectors, historical preservations enthusiasts or firearms athletes, as none of those are the

Given that we’re talking Classical Antiquity around the Mediterranean Sea, you pretty much can’t swing a stick with hitting several slave owning, pederasty loving, pro-eugenics civilizations in the face.And to be fair to the Spartans, they were not the biggest pederasts and there’s a lot of evidence now that only

Anyone who says “ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ” (Molon Labe), who either didn’t fight in the 5th century BC Battle of Thermopylae or wasn’t born and raised in the Laconia region, is a culture appropriating asshole... Unless it’s in the context of teaching military history, of course.

I have the solution for America’s gun problem: Make period accurate 18th century flint-lock muskets the only firearm that can be legally owned.

I collect spooky, weird and strange things, which means most of it is fairly worthless...
But i do have a rare print of the Necronomicon that only saw a limited 2000 book print run in 1998, before the company went out of business. Most of the books were destroyed or lost rather quickly, but i stumbled across on at a

Oh, i know that kinda WTF moment too well. I’ve shaved my head since i was 15, since i just got tired of morning hair and generally having to deal with a head of hair. And during the 10th grade, i sported a very short goatee along with the shaved hair

What i find funny, is that this mentality comes from the most extreme of American Christians (according to Pew Institute).
Generally speaking, the more devout and bible focused an American describe themselves, the higher the statistical chance is of them being against forgiveness, the abolishment of the death penalty,

How about America’s Next Top Troll?

Well, maybe it’s about time we all stand up and end the self-imposed exile of Edward!

No. Forensic scientists are doing a better job than ever.

At least you tried. ^_^

You could bury me under a hundred of the fluffiest and most playful kittens on earth, and I’d still do little to wash away the absolute clusterfuck presented in the article.