Yeah, if there ever was a reason for The Punisher to be real...

I came to do a sarcastic joke, highlighting the wrongs in many legal systems and the constant victim blaming it can’t seem to stop doing... Now i wanna go sit in the shower and definitely not cry, because a sliver of my hope in humanity just died.

With a dog it’d be mildly difficult, but assuming the difficulty level would be comparable to alien life, means assuming we’d have comparable sensory organs or a similar neural system.

Those numbers are a bit misleading, to say the least. The first movie was made on a tiny budget, which is part of why Lucas waived 3/4th of his salary and hired largely unknown actors, so he had the money to make special effects and film in various foreign locations.

Not being warned of having to do screams or gruff voices, or compensated for hours of doing so, is the equivalent of randomly whacking the fingers of programmers with a ruler: Do it too much and without warning, and the person will literally lose their ability to work for weeks or months.
And given that all voice

The voice work for Destiny was actually quite good. The problem lies in the writing, as illustrated by Dinklage’s removal not improving things one bit.

Oh, how i wish i could have been there! To you and your co-conspirators, i tip my hat.

I’m neither young, American, nor particularly fond of replying to a thinly veiled ad hominem falacies.

Oh, you’re talking about a singularity-type extinction of Homo S. Sapiens! Well, in that case your above graph holds little to no application towards proving or disproving such an extinction, nor do i think the extinction event will impact the number of humans on Earth. It might level the graph a bit, but unless

I get that you’re joking, but I’m not... Well, I’m not fully joking, but i still think “horror” is a much more fitting categorization than “comedy”.

What do you mean by “very soon”!? By statistics alone, we entered a “mini extinction event” somewhere between 1900 and 1990, and a full-blown mass extinction event by at least 2010.
It’s called the “Holocene Extinction Event”, with “Homo Sapiens” listed as the cause.

Nope, and we’re never gonna reach anything resembling Idiocracy, as all evidence in 5500 years of written history, only shows us that things has been improving at an increasing rate.

My pleasure. ^_^

Thanks! That was incredibly interesting, not to mention that it makes wonder how much they might have borrowed from the radiolay, and if this could be the first case of a radioplay being adapted into a movie.

You need him to speak before mental alarms go off!?

The fundamental difference between comedy and horror, is that comedy makes you laugh, while horror does not.
They both place unwitting protagonists in impossible situations, present them with a series of events that might happen individually in their simplest form (but are so unfathomably unlikely, that few people

Actually, its “prophesies” couldn’t be further from reality. The average IQ has been on a steady rise since the invention of IQ scoring, the average level of understanding and education is rising faster than ever (the average modern person can talk science on a level reserved for 1st year university students just 50

Despite being wrongly listed by both IMDb and Wikipedi as “comedy”, I still hold firm that it’s among the darkest and scariest horror movies of the 21st century.

Oh, there is such a list in most chapters of *aggressive proselytizing cults* (insert any name of a pushy organized religion, who either tune people’s doorbells or hand you a lot of pamphlets in the streets), but they often forget to add names or check if someone new moves in.
I know a few who’ve escape such

First off, I’m aware that “person of color” is technically correct, but i still refuse to use it, as it sorta implies the existence of an even more meaningless opposite “people without color” and utterly ignores that said color exists in everyone but albinos (who are a very light pink color).
With such archaic terms