Deep down in the bowels of hell, they’re setting up a special room to play the end-product on eternal repeat. That room is reserved for the people behind the live-action Dragonball movie, so they can finally grasp where they went wrong!

Last time i interrupted someone of “color”, it was an African fella (more accurately, a Zimbabwean visiting a friend) holding a sermon about how my choice of black jeans, proved that I and other Caucasians saw “black” as “objects you owned”.
I interrupted him by saying: “Firstly, there is no such thing as literally

We should be making a sport out of this, with rules like:

That’s some next-level trolling right there. I tip my hat to thee, good sir!

I’ll do you one better. Find someone who actually know or speak Latin, and get him/her to translate this into Latin:
“Great Satan, I besiege thee. Come to save these followers of thine great enemy, so that they may live to spread his nonsense!”

Argh, these stories are cringe worthy and then some. Most are just flat out wrong, and some start out with the kinda innocent misunderstanding that can happen, before progressing straight into a flat out failure of basic customer contact.

I think a team of researchers need to get to work and solve some of the problems with cloning (like the shortened telomeres, or the bioethical complications), because the world needs more gals like you. ^_^

My thoughts exactly. I could bench press this guy and i don’t even lift, so if he’s struggling with 135 lbs, I’m wondering where the hell his 180 lbs is distributed...

“Upbeat”? I got a whole different vibe off it’s ending then. ^_^


They could just borrow from current canon, as Tony Stark is currently the villain called Superior Iron Man, clad in his 56th armor (known as the Endo-Sym, since it uses adaptable phase-changing “smart metal”, based off the biology of Symbiotes).

Indeed. These kinda GM’s revel in suffer from an overinflated ego, so people should never oblige or encourage them, even by staying a second too long. They’re poison to good RPG.

You know, most of those guys merely do that $5 work survive the recession or to pad their portfolio... But it may be a sign that we need to evolve with new times and the new forms of economies birthed from the web.

Argh, you beat me to it! Dammit!

*falls to my knees, looking towards sky*

Normally I deplore nationalism, as it more often than not goes hand-in-hand with unearned exceptionalism, overinflated self-importance and a rejection of multiculturalism.
But this time, I think it’s time for an rare exception because of this is a first...

And you have to add “May contain nuts!”. ^_^

Do you read minds, or did i invent timetravel just to mess with myself (it’d be typical of Future Me)!? ^_^

The word “Kong Fu” is normally thought of as having to do with martial arts, but the term actually translate as “ultimate mastery (of)“, and can be used in Chinese to refer to any mastery of any skill, movement, state, task or job.