No, it’s “five point eight, to eight point zero percent”... Though i wish it could be 5/8th of 1 percent, if not just a flat 0, but it unfortunately one of those problems that can never fully go away.

And now we have the plot all figured out. ^_^

If he isn’t motion capturing to play a leaf on the wind, I will go Dark Side on Disney’s asses!

Here’s something i like to chug at those who shut down and refuse to listen: Accourding to the United States Department of Justice and the FBI, false rape accusations make up 5,8-8,0% of rape cases. Contrast that with the 22% of rape cases that are “no-crime” cases (3rd party calls police to report what looks/sounds

Yeah, how dare all those young girls force themselves upon this defenseless powerful man, all to tarnish a facade clearly meant for benign or benevolent purposes. SICK, is what it is!

YES! This right here is how things should be: When a company is confronted with absolute idiocy and ignorance, they should instantly respond with sarcasm and awesomeness.

Hence the reason i call it inelegant. But since i don’t know if the article’s author has the time, i included the easiest and quickest solution. ^_^

Between "latest" and "works", but that's not as elegant a solution as just rephrasing.

Yup, you are indeed correct and i stand corrected. Damn memory, making me fuck up a central argument. ^_^

Then go hug the nightmre and don’t stop until you’re tough!

Exactly, but i didn’t want give the problem or solution away, as that isn’t as helpful in terms of long-term learning. ^_^

This is just nature - in her infinite wisdom - trying to toughen you up. ^_^

...has discovered that the trailer for Quentin Tarantino’s latest works perfectly with The Thing.

I believe that dog just reached critical cuteness, causing the universe to undo it to prevent a cuteness singularity, which - as we all know - is infinitely worse than a regular run-of-the-mill black hole, because you wanna hug it RIGHT the f*ck NAO!!

In the Expanded Universe (now called Legends Universe), the Emperor had clones made of himself, for his Force spirit to inhabit if his original body died. One of them woke up without knowing anything and the Emperor still alive, and became obsessed with becoming a Sith Lord.

Wow, this is a prime and frightening example of how rapey fucks in high positions, can abuse said position and do more damage.
Don’t get me wrong, if he’s into voyeurism porn, then that’s his business and he’ll have plenty of sites of faked voyeurism porn done by consenting actresses to choose from... So “rapey fuck”

You’re overthinking this! Just give one of your henchmen a laser pointer and instruct him to wave it around, preferably in a manner that makes Black Panther constantly run into the path of other Avengers attacking you.

And once they crack 2-legged human walking, they’ll be toting 6 six shooters as they invade the US!

Oh yeah, we get that from time to time here in Denmark, either because some ermine moth larvae have gone nuts (they make communal webs) or because a bunch of spiders teamed up to form the Spider Avengers. It’s so common that we have a word for it, which translates into “ghost trees” (Spøgelsestræer).
But hey, we’re of

I’m assuming the same thing, except I don’t think we see timeline 0 or 1.