Makes sense.

Rookie mistake, my friend. ^_^

I like the way you think! We need some science to answer these questions and parents can easily remake little brothers who might get lost in the pursuit of science.

This is genuinely horrible and really messed up, since nobody should have any psychoactive substance in their body, that they don't actually want there. And tricking someone only makes it worse!

Well, the sole point was to have a laugh, not for it to be useful for anything. ^_^

I've never actually used a pick-up move, since those kinda things just happens naturally around me.

Porn would only be one among many things, that new technologies and mediums have been used for (besides it's original intended use). Off-color humor, illegalized ideas (such as democracy back when), pirating and many many other things.

5 weeks later, a pre-baked form tablet arrives, where one can clearly see that names have been painted on, long after baking (shown here in bold).

Well, every time we humans invent something great, we also start using it for some not-so-great things. So doing it with written language really doesn't surprise me. ^_^

I see blue and gold..! And an eyedropper confirms this.

Are you from Metropolis, by any chance?

Maybe they're all wearing long underwear and hot-pants... Ever thought about that?

He doesn't need protection from those guys... They have a mutual respect and -understanding, with Batman providing them with food and free publicity, and in return they don't vicious maul him and defecate on his stripped bones.

Nietzsche said that if man stare into the void too long, the void will stare back into him... Now let's hope it's not pissed that we've been staring at it for so f*cking long, because that thing doesn't look super friendly!

Nah, Matty can't really use computers that well, so... I mean, the totally fictional character Matt Murdock, whom i do not know because he's totally fictitious, can't really use computers.

The muses have a funny way of reaching us sometimes, huh. ^_^

Now playing

The full-length R-rated version is actually still on YouTube...

If i recall, the inventor actually called it "frozen smoke". ^_^

Actually, this sounds exactly like what i expected... Light, and yet with an impact suggesting a fairly strong silicate.

He could just have a medical case of acute irony-deficiency...