I live in Denmark and will be on the roof of my apartment building, doing my very best villain laugh. You get so few chances in life, to act like a old-school Bond villain... So you gotta go for it, when the chance presents itself. ^_^

Not unless she has an abnormally small head, since women generally have a brain that's 11,34% smaller than men.

Please stop giving science a bad name!

I've been playing game since before the 3D breast physics and i like small technical details like wind moving a cape. In fact, i friggin' love the attention to detail, and the plethora of brilliant solutions applied, by the industry, like the PhyX PPU and Voxel physics.

Well, we usually sleep... Which would be an awesome solution!

Water eclipses are worse! Those things really freak out hydroelectric dam workers.

Solar, lunar or of the heart?

I'm pretty sure superstition about eclipses predate July 6th 1189 CE (the actual date of Time Immemorial), by thousands of years. After all, we have historical data about eclipses that freaked out many ancient civilization, including some who when extinct before the Pyramids of Giza were even a twinkle in an

Well, yes and no... Marvel kinda screwed up the logic on that one, but it seems that the original Thor wields Mjölnir under his own name, while everyone else wields it under a title based on the original wielder.

By Marvel's logic: Yes, as long as they're the current wielder.

But bsides the female Thor, there has been 5 Thors thus far, and one of them wasn't even human.

You loved Homofrozus..!

Marvel's version is pretty much "the person who can lift the hammer", which isn't terribly gender specific.

It would probably look like Surtr, the Eldjötunn from Norse mythology who rules the realm of elemental fire called Muspelheimr. He is described as being composed of solid black smoke (his name Surtr actually means "The Black (One)"), taller than any mountain in Midgård and wielding a sword forged from pure elemental

"What's this plant, you speak of? Is it like a nuclear plant?"

Yes! In fact, for years I've been of the opinion that all superheroes should be armored up, since the choice of "style" over "protection" is borderline suicidal. Especially given that they're fighting to protect civilians, which means their defeat one that can cost millions of lives, making lack of adequate armor a

This planet doesn't have room for 2 destructive species... So let's hope we don't defrost one that's more dangerous than us.

"Anthropogenic", you mean... Otherwise, you're talking about climate change that literally has the physical shape of a humanoid being, and i have no idea how such a thing could be possible. ^_^

I'm thinking they've quoted some of the mail they've received.

Here's a fun historical fact. In Old Norse, and the languages West- and East Norse that evolved from it, all first names are literally gender neutral. So "Thor" (which not only means "thunder", but is also the root of the English word "thunder") can just as easily be a girl's name, as it could be a boy's name.