No doubt. ^_^

That present to fairly big problems to Wonder Woman's story: She'd have to be a post-op transgender male-to-female (or a naked guy) and only fight crime once a year for sport.
I'm sure there's a market for that, but I'm not sure it something DC would do. ^_^

My personal hope is that he plays Wolverine for a decade more and then ends it all with an epic depiction of Mark Millar's Old Man Logan. After that, they can recast ad libitum, but not making Jackman do Old Man Logan would just be a waste!

Good point.

The fable of the king who planted his thrones on a beach, to prove himself important enough to command the tide not to come in and then drown from his own stupid act, comes to mind.
These "architects" are so fixated on controling what kinda life can happen around their stuff, that they missed they fact that one can't

Try searching for solutions outside of your own country and you'll see that most of us who have almost no homelessness, need to have filled all 3 categories with something that actually work, in order to get rid of the vast majority of homeless people.
Think of it like a 3-legged chair: If a leg is too short or

I don't even know who that is, but my beard-clad and shaved head avatar should be a hint that "Marie" probably won't fit me. ^_^

I know. But it's still a choice of words I find troublesome, as it's essentially measuring the worth of human beings by pre-Industrial Revolution economy standards.

That would be where the aforementioned "social safety net" would come into play, since this would provide education, addiction treatment programs and various other services to help people out.

You might want to read you history books again. ^_^

My biggest problem with that, is the "fun for girls" bit. It wrongly assumes there's a special category for girls, that's completely disconnected from anything a woman, boy or man would find remotely relatable. Which doesn't really solve any problem, as much as it placates critics and shoves the real problems to the

I'm completely with her on this.

I think this whole debacle is just a tonnage of people talking past each other.

There is a wider problem, too. These measures do not and cannot distinguish the "vagrant" posterior from others considered more deserving.

No, he's saying that MILF Island season 1 is in post-production, obviously. Which is why any failure to air, is squarely on Mweyer's shoulders.

Unless the given animal has just been killed, improperly drained and served to you raw, that red stuff is 1% myoglobin and 99% water. Myoglobin is muscle tissue's version of hemoglobin (what red blood cell used) and it's only found inside muscles, where it's significantly smaller size makes ideal for the


I did, and then i replied to every point you raised.

Why are you so antagonistic, when I'm basically agreeing with you, even before writing a good deal more, that only adds more detail about the photoshopping we both agree is atrocious.

You're the one who brought in the idea of using anatomically correct language.