First thought:

And now you know the real reason he went mad. ^_^

That isn't the only factor playing in here.

You don't take your eye off the plate, while you eat the content. Gluten is like photons, in that once observed it changes behavior.

I've worked with models and photographers, and unless she's ultra famous and/or contractually have full power, it's the photographer who chooses 5-20 good shots, the graphic department who chooses 1-5 to get retouched, an artist who retouch and might eliminate 1-2 and finally a publisher who makes the final call.

In anatomical terms, it would be pointless to try and photoshop out her vulva or labia, since the panty line in the photo sits above her mons pubis and therefor about 1-1,5 inches from where stuff would be visible.

Hi America... Someone from the big Not-America round you, here.

I didn't know about it until years later, when i read an interview about the making of Jurassic Park and the interviewee mentioned how the script was rushed, to produce the movie by the time the book was finished.
On a positive note, however, the goal was to make Chrichton movie, as Spielberg was a Chrichton fan. So

Rogue is actually the one superheroine where being more scantly clad makes sense. She should have "boob windows", v-neck, an open back and the whole shebang... In fact, she might be best served with just fighting in a supportive push-up bra and a thong.

The book was actually the reason i fell in love with books, as i not only read the book immediately after seeing the movie, but also way before i started getting book reports as homework in school. I was so blown away at the depth, complexity, intricacies and how the "book dinosaurs" were infinitely more frightening

I did say "sorta", since the movie plays it down by a lot... In the book, it's not just an interesting "life finds a way" moment, it's the recipe for everything going horribly wrong...

Yes, they don't look remotely scary! Just take a gander at this thing here, looking all cuddly and like it's about to tell you the letter of the day...

In the movies they sorta drop an important detail from the books, which would have halted the entire feather debacle: The amber DNA comes out fragmented and with missing pieces, which the researchers fill in with amphibian DNA, making those park dinosaurs more hybrid than anything.
In the book, this is vital since the

Welcome back to the tribe. ^_^

Exactly. ^_^

"How's my daughter?"

And a f*cking great DM, are the one's who completely breaks the game, make you question whether or not you're playing or participating in the formation of your next favorite franchise, and then hit you with plot twists more unforeseeable than a stray black hole.

As promotion, i think they should get a little girl to slowly sing "Going to the Mall, Today" from How i Met your Mother, with no accompanying music and just a hint of echo. Think "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star" from Dead Space. ^_^

Herbivores have a much slower digestion than omnivores and an extremely slower digestion that carnivores. So, given that gorillas are predominantly herbivorous, I'm guessing the bamboo roots are rich in simple sugars, that their digestion is very slow and that their digestive flora is equally rich in bacteria that aid

Only 419 lbs!? That's not even slightly frightening!