They're also some of the most aggressive Great Apes when it comes to their females and they have the smallest penis size in the animal kingdom (compared to body size).

I live in the country with the least political corruption in the world, according to Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index. The only time we've been 2nd place was in 2011, when New Zealand passed us by 1 point.

I honestly don't know enough about Japanese politics, to know if lobbying is present or to what degree.

The army grows! Now link em together so one operator can fly all 4 corners at the same time, or make them fly using GPS to canvas a certain area.
And if you get a drone that can't carry the net, you can sell it for net money. ^_^

The anti-drone people now have an official anthem! And a cheap way to build a minefield to sing it on. ^_^

But if the net isn't heavy enough, strong wind or the drones flying towards a target drone, could make it unwieldy or blow around enough to catch one's own drones.

99 red balloons... tied to the ground using fishing string! It'd be like a drone minefield and an excellent reason to sing a fun 80's song. ^_^

Well, what would you rather have: Fun solving the impracticality and then shoot down drones like a sci-fi protagonist... Or just buy a weapon and shoot down drones like everyone does it?

What, no lasers!?

Imagine how much worse it'd be if they had legalized bribes lobbying.

Best illustration of the might of Vader, on the entire internet. He's not even gonna dignify that blaster bolt with a lightsaber deflection, but just goes "Fuck your attacks!" and waves it off. ^_^

Trust me, i get all that and is familiar with a proper rebuttal, but the author is likening sentence example #1 (Don't just say: "Vaccines don't cause autism") to discrimination, not poor argumentation.

Wait, I'm confused here...

Shush now! You know the NSA is listening, so if you blow the cover of another alphabet network, you could be "detained"..! Which our benevolent overlords at the NSA totally wouldn't do, because they're super swell guys and gals!

He has been smoking a lot in recent episodes... Not Hellblazer-a-lot, but still more that the zero smoking they originally pitched.

Ghost in the Shell!? By the powers granted to me by the Laws of the Internet and the Bill of Nerddom, you have now officially become a Person of Excellent Taste, enabling you to veto and/or reject any, and all, opinions stated by a non-GitS owner.

Purely hypothetically, I use torrenting for quality control, because trailers, posters and marketing have mastered the art of gilding feces.

Oh yeah, that's the stuff... *sharp inhale through nose* So much secondhand win! ^_^

Belgians speak Dutch, French and German, since they haven't had the time to really develop a naturally unique language. Its only been 160-165 years since they became a country, and after that they continued their business endeavors with their neighboring countries, forcing them to continues as they've always does.

I honestly thought English speakers were joking the first time, since i can't hear any of those things. Until more repeated similar descriptions, that is. ^_^
Funny thing is, the most apt "what Danish sounds like" i got from a Norwegian on a cruise ship. I bumped into him while going for a smoke outside at night, and