Uh, that sounds absolutely wonderful. I've been wanting to get into mead brewing myself, since it not just my favorite drink, but also supposedly so foolproof that it's near impossible to screw up (most i've spoken to say aging can save even the worst batch).
Do you have any tips for a newcomer?

Having tasted neither the ones i listed or "Chiliguaro", i can't say which is worse... But i doubt it beats Warmead, given the side effects. ^_^

To each his own, i suppose.

... Just like grandma used to make it.

Unfortunately, no.

Malört (also known as "Bäsk" in Sweden, the country of origin) is a wormwood flavored liquor just like absinthe, though it's traditionally made using less wormwood. And like absinthe, it's surrounded by myths about its supposed danger, which are as unfounded as they are with absinthe.

How about ring tones? They're basically the same as someone walking up to you, sitting down on your lap and then starting to shout "TALK TO ME, TALK TO ME, TALK TO ME...", no matter what the hell you were already doing.

Ever wondered where the expression "to blow smoke up one's ass" comes from? Well, it comes from a brief period in Victorian England, where people literally thought blowing copious amount of tobacco smoke, into a given person's lower intestines through the anus, would bring a victim of drowning back to life.

Well, most surviving records describes it as a "potion that grants the strength of Hercules and durability to rival Achilles" (late Roman sources), a "poison that numbs or killed the Nafs" ("Nafs" being Arabic for "soul") and "dark sorcery, brewed by worshipers of Satan" (early Christian sources).

Nice one! It definitely would make you choose combat or consumption, in its modern form. ^_^

Most definitely. ^_^

Why all these fictional ones, when the real world has drinks you should pass on the moment they're even suggested.
And no, I'm not talking about Absinthe, a bottle of which is no more dangerous that 2 bottles of any vodka. It's reputation is way over-hyped in the modern world, with only some off-brand bottles from the

I think that's more than likely, especially if one reads the first records of people who found those.

Agreed. Though like the commenter Noah pointed out, it does feel too much like a rip-off of Egypt, so instead of using that specific visual input, I'd rather have alternative that are a tad more outside the box.

I'm smelling an Ig Nobel Prize! ^_^

One of the big difference between our universe and theirs, is that Germany invented a functioning nuclear bomb over a year before America did it. And then they wiped out Washington DC with it, killing most of the US government and the president. So America had the same problem our universe's Japan had: You're gonna be

I was a little sad they didn't modify the cars a bit, to show off the developing trends inside WWII Germany and Japan.

The problem that most people and the entirety of Hollywood has realized, is that the world has already hit peak "comic book movie" saturation, which is especially annoying to Hollywood, who've invested truckloads of cash into movie rights.

Yeah, i used to love Pushbullet, but the whole thing is so bug riddled, that it's nearly useless at this point. I mainly use it to send link to my home computer's browser, but unless the browser is running, they wont show up. And when they do, i get 4-6 identical tabs with the link i sent, which slows down my browser

I really have nothing against any business that treats it's employees with the respect they deserve, though i must admit that I've never been a patron of a strip club (they're not my kinda entertainment, I'm afraid).
I have spoken to professional strippers back when i worked in an alcohol distribution company, and i