Wait, why was the female design so radical? I mean, this is an AI who was born genderless and who might have chosen a male chassis to look more imposing, so that female design could just be what Ultron actually identify as.

Oh yes, this sounds brilliant! And on a totally unrelated note: Do these people not watch movies, because I'm pretty sure "mutant mosquito" spells "rise of the living dead" or "the creature from the black lagoon"!? I mean, throw in some vaguely occult chants, and I'm pretty sure we've hit the 70's horror b-flick

They're also the ultimate mankiller, as they're estimated to have killed 50%-70% of the 112 billion people who have ever lived, since the dawn of humanity.

True... Both gender can have pectoral muscles that "stick out".

Oh, absolutely! Blank black unexpressive eyes, 6'8" (202 cm) in height, wide shoulder, strange electronics, an obviously non-human breathing noise and a heavy cape obscuring him true frame, are all things that would be unnerving to most people.
But these things could all have alternative explanations, that robs them of

But if they were non-Euclidean , that would explain why no description can be given!

Good to hear. ^_^

Last i checked , anti-vaxxers weren't only avoid measle vaccines... And if the 20th century is any indicator, the infections currently vaccinated against took 1,5-1,7 billion lives in just 100 years, in both Europe and America. Compare that to the roughly 1-1,1 billion killed by humans (war, murder, genocide and

Your response is plenty intelligent. ^_^
Intelligence, after all, is merely the speed at which you can process data, kinda like the CPU in your computer. And just like your computer, the CPU is only a tiny part of what makes it run, with your hard drive (or your memory's collect knowledge, in us humans) is really what

I've seen the whole series and don't wanna spoil anything either, so I'll just say this... If a bosom contains that much muscle, it'd be hard like a silicone implant and would move around like an oddly steroidal muscle on a skinny person.
Or to put it another way, "muscle" comes form the Latin word for "little mouse",

*look very intensely at subject, with eyes as open as possible and a huge smile*

I get your point and of course this shouldn't be blown out of proportions. But if someone chooses to forego vaccination, they also chooses to be an easily preventable health risk that could kill millions. Such a choice should of course be respected, but it should also have repercussions, since others also have a right

Yes, that was the point in my first reply to you: Lucas loves tropes and prefer using them in their original version, which in the case of a "Black Knight" would be an obstacle to a lone knight's quest to do "good for the sake of good". And by that original definition of the trope, Boba Fett would the closest

How does she have boobs!? I mean, she's obviously a woman, but breasts aren't full of muscles.

Oh, come on! That team would have way too easy a time fixing this, as this guy has way more going on than Beiber.

New rule: If you aren't vaccinated, you aren't allowed in areas of high foot traffic or large crowds, like theme parks, parks, sport stadiums and so on. Not because your rights are begin infringe upon, but because your potentially putting everyone's life in danger and could be patient zero in a preventable plague.

No, an interpretation can't really go too far, as every piece of literature is open to any interpretation. But you're applying you own interpretation of a literary trope, to an interpretation of a piece of work made by someone who'd refrain from using anything but tropes in their original form.

If you could potentially switch out body parts as you pleased, wouldn't you? ^_^

Being civilized means ignoring one's baser instincts...

According to Google, I'm a man in my late 30's, with over 100 interests! At least it got my gender right, but why the fuck does it think i have time for 100+ interests!?