Oh, seems like you accidentally typed "ridiculous" when you meant "friggin' awesome". No worries, it happens to the best of us. ^_^

As of 2015, no one has proven alteration in cellular structure, soil chemistry, background radiation or the electromagnetic field.

I get the analogy of the ping being an example of the discrepancy of time, but what might make this article harder to understand is that the supernova happened closer to us (thus the reason we can see its effects), while the nebula is further away (thus the reason we know it's gonna get ruined soon from our perspective

I've often wondered why no force users simply levitate their lightsaber, since it would be a significant tactical advantage not to be too close to an opponent. OF course, most force users cant move something well enough or with enough physical force to mimic holding a lightsaber in their hand, but if a handful of them

Just trying to be helpful...

Not bad, but how would you use ping time to explain the pillars being further away and us knowing that the supernova is moving away from us to hit the pillars?

But if you're trying to explain this to a person who's science illiterate, you've just added more you'd need to explain. That's the essential problem with explaining science to someone who chalks it all up to being near-magic, wherein any additional scientific analogies will require a new analogy to explain that.

Not really, though...

Well, that was uncalled for... So please go troll somewhere else and leave the conversing to those who don't think dropping random insults is perfectly okay.

Yeah, I'm talking about science, not poetic musings related to the perception of love...

It also doesn't prove why bacon is so delicious, since in both cases the phenomenon in question as absolutely nothing to do with "creation" or the perception of bacon.

Excellent point. ^_^

Already thought of using that, but given that the supernova in question sits between us and the nebula, it doesn't really explain why/how we can know it's approaching the nebula in this manner.

True, but the point was to make a metaphor that's both easy to understand for someone science illiterate and as simple as one can get without losing the point. On top of that, the metaphor was merely an example of something simplified, so it doesn't really one that takes the totality of detail into account.

Try dialing down the scales and simplifying things, and it'll all becomes easier to grasp. ^_^

Literally in the past, in fact.

Silly you! Everyone knows Mars isn't allowed inside a space prison, after he cunt punted Venus so hard she's still rotating in the wrong direction. And she just tried to detain him, after he poked out Jupiter's second eye, leaving him with just the one he has now.

As far as a War of Worlds go, drawing on each other seems pretty humane.

The blue color could just be a error in the photo, as darker grey tones have a tendency to look blue-ish when recorded digitally.

Mars is such a f*cking asshole!