The prequel posters were just a sad grasp at past glory. At least with the original posters, you knew some artist had slaved for weeks getting it just right, using paint brushes and a real canvas.

People still use Facebook!?

I know this is faux pas among my fellow Star Wars fans, but i never liked the posters. They're beautiful pieces of art, but as an advertisement poster they're over-kill.

Without a doubt. ^_^

This just seems like it's overcomplicating something fairly easy, in order to give someone the piece of mind a good VPN service would afford them (you're hidden), but not really providing them with the level of security a good VPN service alone would afford them (you're hidden on a site collecting information about

My pleasure. ^_^

Google Translate kinda mangled that, but i got what you're saying. ^_^

We do like to use English phrases or words here and there (since 79% of us speak English) and she might have gotten a little too used to tourist areas and her hotel having plenty of English signs, so her misunderstanding might not be completely stereotypical.

Why is it that so many Americans hate Prometheus?

The most offensive word for homosexual in Danish is "bøsse", which is pronounced almost identical to "böse", the German word for angry. In fact, if you ask a Dane, in German, if he slams the door when he's angry, it will sound exactly like you're asking him if he fucks bulls when he's homosexual. ^_^

In Danish, the final part of a race is called a "slut spurt", which literally translates as "end rush". English speakers, however, are wildly offended by this appearing on signs, since we also tend to use it for the end of a huge sale.

The first thing i do every time i install an app, is head to its settings and make sure notifications are disabled. If it still pushes something to me, i will either disable push notifications entirely or uninstall the app.

I'm gonna call this right now: Radioactive SS zombies, possibly in some kinda jet powered flying fortress or a super-heavy tank.

I have question that demands answers... For the sake of humanity!

Okay, now i get why people in the Dark Ages believed in possession!

Nietzsche warned than one should not look into the void, lest the void should stare into you... Right now, both I and the Void are speechlessly cowering in the corner and vowing to vary our died, lest the pumping seed should stare out from inside of us!

No, no it doesn't! Next question?

I feel for you.

If someone doesn't know the notes, the exact instrument to play in on and doesn't know how to pronounce the lyrics, isn't "recreation" a bit of a stretch?
It's kinda like trying to build a period accurate medieval castle, where you don't know what materials or tools are needed, and your only guide is a short

Just got back (or forward?) from Sumeria in my TARDIS, and i can definitely say a few pokes and knee-slappers got lost in translation.