Damn forreigner, alway strutting into our system and taking good apocalyptic jobs from honest massive bodies. Back when I was but a wee singularity, planets hurled rocks at each other and Jupiter caught most, just like the Big Bang interested!

We should be neighbors. ^_^

Thank you. ^_^

No! NO!! Bad commenter!
*uses spray bottle full of water*
*second, but smaller, spray of water*
THIS is why we can't have nice things!

Then we should pour generous amounts chlorine triflouride over the piss soaked mush, as it's such a powerful flourinating agent that it can light inflammable things like ash, asbestos or even concrete on fire. And while this slowly eat at the mush, the 50 top living poets will compose expert insults at it until the

The term has about 14 different definitions, most of which is industry jargon like your example. Others in the same category includes "vamping" defined as "attaching the "vamp" (upper part of the shoe, in front of the ankle seam)", "the act of improvising a repeating accompaniment on a musical instrument" and

I'm shocked it took less than 2 days for commentators on io9 to dismantle, examine and partially debunk this hypothesis, while everyone else is still considering the findings. ^_^

I completely agree with you, and only have 1 thing to add: The most common argument from the people who could institute such change, is that it would just push the end of teachers workday forward by 2 hours, creating an increase in salary expenses. Which is a shitty argument to begin with, as those teacher could

It's insane, is what it is. Just imagine the good it would do to shift that whole ordeal 2+ hours forward, so the family could get up together and your son could arrive at school fully rested.

Can't have that kinda slippery slope! No f*cking way!

Yeah, "vamping" does seem like something that describes fairly normal teenage behavior throughout time. I would watch TV with the volume really far down, read a book or take a fap, but had smartphones existed or if my room had internet, i have no doubt it rather spend my time there.

Most of those devices wasn't invented until the late 19th century and before that they seem to have been purely there to frighten people.

You also have to remember, that during the restructuring of the brain happening in one's teens, sleep patterns are shifted forward by as much as 4 hours. Not that this would create "vamping" on its own, but it could hypothetically skew a person's perception about the value of sleep in the moment, by making them feel

The human brain: The biggest asshole since always. ^_^

Sorry, but i read all of that in the voice of Varrick, since you really are complaining over nothing.

Okay, this is fucking freaky, George! I literally just put down my phone, after having a one hour lively debate with a friend of mine, wherein i convinced him Venus should be visited before Mars. And i listed all the same things (without knowing NASA had put this together), along with the possibility that Venus could

I might be too far removed from this, making my thoughts here more of an outsider's viewpoint... Sure, I'm "white", but I'm not American or even on the same continents as the Americas.

It might be your phone company's router, but as long as it's in your hands, you can just hit the reset button and everything will be like when it arrived on your doorstep.

Batman is the Santa of adults! Why, you ask?

You'll hear no counter argument on that from me, as i think they should do that if they really are devout. But Christians like to cherry pick, which i get when it comes to the really fucked up shit around the Old Testament.