No, it's a misconception, not a fallacy. And I'm well aware of schools of Buddhism who interpret "materialism" as being emotionally attached to wealth and not the accumulation of wealth. Not to mention that people who follow religions to the letter is fairly rare, which would undoubtedly apply to Buddhists as well.

I love the out-of-the-box thinking here, but Unholy Bat-Nipples some of these are insane! Hell, some will even make you look like a crazy person as you bark orders, debate politics or talk sexy into pack of Marlboro, a toy car, a brass starfish, a 90's sci-fi prop or something resembling a diamond encrusted shoe.

And I'm not arguing against that. I'm actually well aware of the incredible things found in Viking graves and even those of the Battle Axe Culture (also known as the Corded Wares Culture) this woman hailed from.

The religious one...

Exactly, but i nevertheless felt it needed to be addressed, since I've often seen things like seemingly religious things get blown way out of proportion (mostly by new-age spiritualists). Just a few months ago, i had to explain to someone that just because the same arches show up in temples at Angkor and in South

Assumptions as big as this (or bigger) rarely turns out to be remotely true...

Mace Windu is my favorite silly Star Wars name. Every time i forgot his name, all i have to is imagine using a medieval mace, to take out my frustration on a computer running Windows Vista: Mace + Windows Vista... Mace + Windows... Mace Windu!

A Neura-what!? Wait here, I'll chec...

F*CK YEAH, we did it, people!

It's neither my "own speculation" nor lack of research, that i included in my comment, as the first part is basic psychology/sociology and the second part is history.

This brings up a lot of interesting point, which can't be solved by just one side retooling their attitudes.

Oh, no no no, Tom Hardy is Bane. Nothing more or less will not be acceptable, but instead of arguing for what should be obvious, I'll give the floor to Mr. Luthor and his Laconic rebuttal to Mr. Hardy in any DC-role that isn't Bane.

I say we divert the entire US military budget into building a superlaser and then carve a 3x3 panel comic book page into the face of the moon.

Obviously fake, likely in order to drum up the price for a fake sword.

I wasn't trying to be condescending or patronizing, so if it seemed as such i apologize.

It's British slang for long and/or attractive legs.

No no, i prefer my "training swords" to be guard-less, as there's no better way to learn to keep you hands safe, than getting a few whacks on your fingers. But if i was ever to enter an actual fight, a guard would be an absolute must unless I've gotten serious good.
I probably should've been clearer on that part. ^_^

I'm sorry io9, but No! This kid isn't dressed as a Ninja Turtle, he obviously is a Ninja Turtle.

I suppose that could be a contributing factor to why guards are even there in the first place, but i doubt it supersedes rationals like preventing loss of fingers, adding a extra layers of defense or hilt balance, since day one would likely be the point most would be taught now to prevent self-inflicted injuries.