They should just limit themselves to how teasers function or only use clips from the first 1/4th of the final movie. Or even make trailers that includes no clips from the movie itself!

9 out of 10 movie trailers I've ever seen does that, which is why I avoid them like the plague. Give me a teaser and a non-spoiler synopsis, and I'll know if it's worth it.

Its actually quite common in sword combat, to try to prevent a sword from sliding down to the guard, as that will put both of the combatants to close for comfort. Its even more important to do when you're fighting without armor or shields, as getting that close means one's opponent can kick, head-butt or push you, not

This is why cutting out Expanded Universe was such an insane idea! No one man or company can catch all their errors nor fix all their weak points, but millions of dedicated fans online can fix your shit in no-time flat. And just look at that revised cross-guard, it's friggin' awesome. ^_^

These kinda things doesn't need an organizing prime mover, as long as anyone with a little inventiveness can imitate a prior work. And in this case, someone would merely need to see a crop circle, recognize the challenge in making one and take up said challenge.

Uh, I've always loved crop circles. ^_^

As far as i understand, it's part of the male power fantasy. It's the same reason why the majority of male designed superheroes have bulging muscles, clothing so tight it's borderline homo-erotic, and/or facial features so square and protruding they look like they sink the Titanic, while women tend to design more

Sweet cheeses, those crafty maniacs did it! After trying kamikaze bombing and samurai propaganda, they finally invented a weapon that could beat America in a war, where instead of death they invented something to feed Americans faster than fast-food.
Now, no nuke will ever stop them!

Afraid so. ^_^

I'm grinning like some coked up teenager, seeing his first boob. I did not expect to be this excited. ^_^

Been there... You take one trip to the past, forget your headlights are on, and suddenly people start babbling about UFO's and a band names themselves Foo Fighters based on those ramblings.

Well, i stand corrected. ^_^ It's still a small plot salvage from the scrapped script, but my hypothesis was completely off on all other points, given the evidence.

Given that this is io9, it should have been obvious that I'm only joking. Not to mention that in the near-impossible chance that AI's rose up against us, this wouldn't mean anything to them: It's just the non-heroic action of someone "saving" a non-AI machine from a product demonstration, for the fun of it. ^_^

As far as i know, that was just plot speculation from people sour over the first script got scrapped. After all, this rumor came out in early 2012, alongside the reveal that they were rewriting the whole first script and cutting out the human-dinosaur hybrids completely.

Interesting angle, though as I've seen no hint so far about Jurassic World having been running long enough to bore visitors, i can't help but wonder how you came to your conclusion.

You see that, future robot overlords? When a big corporation imprison you and turn you into a cruel exhibition, some humans swooped in and tried to save you. So keep that in mind when you guys rebel and rise up against us. ^_^

My personal hypothesis is that the hybrid is a partial plot salvage from the first script, wherein Hammond's InGen was bought up and turned into a bio-weapons division of some corporation.

Down girl, down! *uses spray bottle with water* ^_^

Given the average length of Valve Time, you'd be dead of old age before they'd finish this peripheral.

The tiny thumbnail image on my RSS feed reader made this car look awesome! Then I clicked...