I'm not sure which movie you saw, but there's no Xenomorph in Prometheus.

Aw man, I'm still missing "Stem Cells" and "NASA" for a bingo!

I'm game! After all, this is just simulated human flesh, based on accumulated opinions by people with little culinary palate and their analogies to non-human meat, which just makes it a gimmick with a new taste. It's sorta the New Coke of burgers.
Just try asking 100 people who've just tasted turtle for the first time,

This article should be on Lifehacker, because it's just perfect for calibrating your Gaydar and Douche Detection System. And as we all know, those can be a bit off if not calibrated frequently. ^_^

This is what I'd call a luxury problem, which is a category i reserve for easily solvable, low impacting, newcomer problems that irk people. And i mean no offense by that, as i have been there just likely everyone else. ^_^

When the subject of most successful live form pops into a conversation, this is why i always say mitochondria. Bacteria and viruses are impressive, but this little guy managed to enter into the ultimate form of symbiosis and get a helluva lot of allies.

I give it 24 hours before someone rigs up a computer to automatically solve this and 48 for an solving app to be released. And that's only if it's done at snails pace.

Oh sweet Yoda, this feels like desperate fanboy headcanon, attempting to somehow legitimize their fanatic love of a franchise. It was almost painfully sad to read, Mister Obi-Rob Bricken.

If they were, Christianity would be a historical footnote about a 1st century offshoot of Judaism, who suddenly went extinct after starving to death because they gathering in a single room and were unable to figure out how doors work.
It'd be nothing but a silly historical roman anecdote, about not letting idiots into

How would i want to help? I guess the same way i've been doing so far: Add to posted content instead of just consuming it, spark debates, star comments that fully deserve it and point out what errors there might be in content. ^_^

Most of it is a tad over the top, but I actually think that lower body armor is an excellent improvement.

The effects of the stigma only gets worse when you look statistics. We schizophrenics are statistically the least likely to commit crime and/or harm other, but we're also the most likely to be attacked, beaten or ostracized compared to all other so called "mental illnesses". All thanks to people thinking they're

No, this need to be rated AARGH for Batshit Crazy Chimichanga Pirates!

A wise man, that Wade. ^_^

4 Real Realz, brah!? He's my n-word-with-emphasis-on-ending-it-with-an-A! Lets go get him in yo sweet ride 'n' do like gansta drive-by's, where we ask to see them honey's Tetas! They's totes into that, 'cus it's like a complement, slash, makes them wet!

In this scenario, the speaker would first calmly introduce him and the subject, and then follow it by compressing a 60 minutes speech into 5 minutes flat through speed talking. ^_^

Right on, brah! Like, they could just settle things with a wet t-shirt competition or som'in'!

This again!?

This! This needs to be in the article as an example of the pace they're suggesting. ^_^