I (and other Danes) also take into account who we're talking to or the situation, of course.

Wow, that would be super bad advice if you're Danish, as we recite out 8 numeral phone numbers in 2 numeral chunks (twenty one, eighty five, etc) and always pause between each chunks until the opposite party has acknowledged that they've got it. That kinda speech pace would only sound like we're out of wind or reading

Or, the big C is their god's first prophecy of Christ one day existing, but science and their master Sin is trying to claim that Sin is actually the real Christ.

I'm afraid you've been highly misinformed, but first let me point out that i neither live in America nor some place where doctors acts as if their job is a business.

Somewhere else, a Christian conspiracy nut is scrambling to note down how he's finally found Babylon's Lucifer.

In my case it looks almost exactly like a poorly ventilated room full of smokers (minus the smokers, of course), with the same layering and different densities smoke gets just before getting too thick to see through. And the only reason i say "almost", is because the smoke is kinda frozen in time, unaffected by both

Don't worry about you talking about fibro. ^_^ I actually read up on the research since I've never heard of it and from what i gather it seems to be a previously unknown auto-immune disease.
But that's merely based on pilot studies and medical tests, where they've shown that some specific immunosupressants and

Interesting. Given that you're the second one to reply telling me you've hallucinated smoke, I'm starting to think that it may be a common hallucination.

Valid concerns.

Nice article, thank you. ^_^ It's exactly what the world needs to know, as there are just too many misconceptions and myths that really only stack shit on top of what we go through.

Thank you. ^_^ I already read both io9's article on the same study, as well as the study itself, but i nevertheless appreciate the helpfulness. ^_^

Rhank you. ^_^ I already read both io9's article on the same study, as well as the study itself, but i nevertheless appreciate the helpfulness. ^_^

Wow, my DNA could be in that study. ^_^ In your face, human instinct to reach for immortality.

While that's not really now genes work, i can attest as someone with a schizophrenia diagnosis that there are some "benefits".

Hear hear! The core problem is that cultural and legal definitions/distinctions haven't been catching up with reality, leaving in its place an antiquated system that benefits providers and not the real victims (authors).

*puts on Spartan armor and position myself so your back is against a hole*

You're very welcome and thank you for sharing as well.

My pleasure. ^_^

Like you figured, i've already read the study. Unfortunately it was rife with bad methodology and poor definitions, which usually makes such things prone to false-positives and -negatives.

Thank you. ^_^