Appalling to say the least.

Disney and porn are both equally bad at putting unrealistic ideas in people's heads. Which really shouldn't be that big a surprise, since it's rather obvious that the real world and their world differs quite a bit from each other, even when magic is removed or ignored.

No, that won't activate my sneezing reflex, though it is one of the most common atypical reflex triggers. ^_^

Unholy shit, i friggin' love this guy. He's like every negative stereotype of my gender, stripped of whatever positive there might be and combined into a mega-asshole, whom i can only assume wakes himself up in the morning to the theme from Power Rangers: Go go, MEGA Asshooooole. *guitar solo* GO GO, MEGA asshole, the

I've got one for you all and though it's technically not a lab story, it is a cautionary one about chemicals:

To me that thing looks fragile as hell and suffering from an incredible amount of over-designing (aka, someone who can't stop "improving" on perfection designed it). All in all, I'd rather not live there and as far as possible I'd prefer not having to look at its outside.

Wow, my first thought seeing that image was the Pre-Camrian connection to Dickinsonia fossils as well. Though, that connection is arguably dependent on how it evolved from then on and/or if those Dickinsonia fossils only show the top/head while everything else wasn't preserved.

Excellent idea... That is, unless you're buying pre-inflated balloons, hiring waitering staff for a party, can't decide on a pet or getting a nice above-ground pool. In other words, use with caution. ^_^


This has a name? Huh... Well, good news everyone, I've cracked this long ago: If the choices are too close, physically take 2 steps back, decide which "feels" best and stick with it.

Only explanation I can think of, is that this must be a Spider-woman/John Carpenter's The Thing crossover. Otherwise the cover can only be depicting her death at the hands of some insane super-taxidermist villain, who posses his victims postmortem.

Oh yes, the thinking man's GIF porn. ^_^

Gotta love the optimism of them thinking they can prosecute everyone who posts those images. This is the internet, home of permanence and data that spread like wildfire, and if all of the biggest media corporation's combined wealth can't even dent it, you won't be able to even nudge the shadow of such a dent.

This is written by someone without an education in science, based solely on her own experience and likely with little error correction, so my advice to any women seduced by this is to take it with a large helping of salt.
Personally, i think this is "working" because she stopped accepting the idea that her mood was

I don't care what species you are (besides human)... If a raptor hunts you down, kills and then eats you, I'm on that raptor's side. And not just because their lineage include the only animal i truly fear to the depth of my being as a child, but also because they're kick ass aerial motherfuckers with style!

Is this guy stalking me, because this exactly what happened to me last month!?

If by "app drawer can also categorize your applications instead of using Android's default alphabetical method" you meant it let's you sort them yourself while everything is still alphabetical within those sorted categories, then sure... But its had that function for ages and its become pretty much the standard across

Wait what!? So now we define a extremely large and diverse group by a tiny subsection of it's members who acts in a way not defined by the group definition!? That's idiotic beyond belief and frankly as stupid as those being rightfully demolished for being idiot gamers.

Yes, you just pop down to the local 9-Eleven on the corner for some fissionable material and the toy store next door for a Lego ICBM, and you're good to go.
The rest is just booking a plane ticket, which can be done from home.

My first thought: Given that he's giving the solutions, math and debugging away, why isn't this an app yet? Or at the very least, a web service.