I'm giving it all she's got, Captain. But I cannee du it.

I say any and all astronauts sent must have thick handlebar moustaches no matter their gender, creed, color or style, because science reasons. ^_^

He's trying to leave his (metal spiked) closet in a more civilized manner: George Dvorsky, a man of many toys and uncomfortable chairs. ^_^

All mac users are pervs! ^_^

Not me honestly. I do feel a sense of trepidation because the characters fear them so much and i found the fact that Daleks no longer remember The Doctor mildly unsettling (as his main weapon seemed to be his singular ability to freak Daleks out long enough to pacify them), but to me they're the worst qualities of

Please contact your ISP by phone for 1 free internets, as the now defunct internet will now be shut down and reduced to nothing but that comment on a server.

Indeed, but unfortunately those are the exception to the rule.

Yeah, that's kinda besides the point as people don't watch anime or biology or physics lessons. It's just entertainment, which has a lot more freedom than the real world (as long as it stays within the budget). ^_^

Gee thanks io9, for once again making me curse the fates for not making me a crazed billionaire... Well, to be honest it's just the "billionaire" part I'm missing, but it's nevertheless annoying.

Dear Desperately Seeking Samus.

My thoughts entirely. It's almost like some dark sarcastic joke, like describing "Tiger Syndrome" as skin punctures/pains, anemia, bleeding, neck tightness/pains, muscle pains, chest tightness, lightheadedness, difficulty swallowing, incontinence and an almost universal feeling of impending doom.

Given that their power comes from the same sources, the physical appearances of them could easily be explained away as them having the body of the various gods, while retaining the personality and minor physical traits (skin-, eye- and hair color) of their human selves.

Although it will never happen that's to bureaucracy and overly possessive copyright holders, I still have a tiny bit of hope that whenever the world gets fed up with these 2 superhero shared universes, they'll send off the the whole thing with a Viking funeral in the form of a Marvel Vs. DC movie adaption.

I believe i just a contact VR high there... Just pushed play on that video and shuddered in awe at the idea of outrunning pirate to that tune.
Only thing that would have been better is the theme from Firefly. ^_^

Am i the only one genuinely shocked that you have to explain something as simple as the fact that liking rape and liking sex aren't the same thing?

That first design doesn't look Star Wars at all, unless we're demoting SW to B-movie status. The helmet just looks like a late 60's to early 70's generic robot, where someone tried to cover up that it was horribly uninspired by adding some mysterious vents on the mouth.
In all honesty, my first thought seeing the image

I'm betting that in his mind, the quote is followed by:

Isn't it about we start realizing the fact that America has been slowly slipping out of the category of a democracy over the last 2 decades and have now largely left that category save for demonstrations of democratic-ish functions and the specific terms favored when talking about American politics.

Strategic pessimism: Scandinavia.