This is actually a nice glimpse into a more educated future. Not one I'd have much stake in given i don't do drugs, but one where cultural newness and propaganda doesn't dictate legality.

And if you're looking for some bling, look no further than EthiCo Non-Conflict Diamonds, certified to be soaked only in the finest blood of people causing conflicts in Africa, instead of their victims.

That's the reason i bring axes to any fight... They can be used against knives and swords, and be thrown at any gun wielder. ^_^

By far one of my favorite actors, as he had both an incredible rare breathe of range and was an awesome guy in real life as well.

A 2012 study into why Danes are the highest ranked country in terms of happiness revealed some related to this: The same people who reported a "high" satisfaction with life, also reported having a "very low" expectation of the coming year.

They live among us...
In our houses...
With out children...
Just "making air"...
Watching your ignorance...
Consuming your water...

Maybe you need to watch what vegetables she serves you... Just sayin'. ^_^

The solution is rather simple, isn't it!?

Not just that... Those fellas with too many neck tattoos for a suit are trained to punch before any punchlines can be reached. And then they l... *TSCTH gets KO'ed*

Seems like they've been stealing from some app developer's bag o' tricks... ^_^

My best guess is that they figured that a raffle is technically a game (of pure chance), which with added Porn Flakes makes the "game" more interesting...

Wait, what!? How the..? What the hell are they angry about? She's a journalist doing research into tampon laws of other nations, which unless you're an international lawyer isn't exactly easy to research.

9. If I ever pointed out something about your face I didn't like and you never changed it.

Yeah, I'm with the first letter (and the reply).

We also need to eliminate false-positives with a control group, so i suggest we get the congressmen who initially caused this to wear brightly colored glow-in-the-dark bodysuits during the test. You know, for science.

Then you too have been fooled, as those "guys" are merely cardboard cutouts meant to attract gunfire away from the guys crouching in from of the cutouts. They simply figured that if they can't make the soldier blend into the background, make a background that look like them standing while the real guy sits down with

I have to point out that i was pleasantly surprised when the article actually included some proper science, instead of someone's opinion.

Someone fetch this fella a medal or something! ^_^

The Mount of Venus is only a feature of hands in astrology-based palmistry. In reality, that area is the skin covering the flexor pollicis brevis- and/or abductor pollicis brevis muscle, which doesn't specifically have a name besides the property of being hairless (glabrous).

Presumably those things could be added with parts made in a 3D printer, in order to give an air of intimidation. Not that i think either is the case and honestly think the plane's profile when "folded in" is it's beauty, but i can't dismiss the possibility.