"Germanic worshippers of Norse religion" is kinda a redundant sentence, as we know of no way to convert Norse mythology, because Norse mythology was at least partly Germanic in its mythology and because the northern coast of Germany was actually within the Norse territories for most of pre-Christian times.

Actually, Vikings might have been the most literate culture of its time, as the ability to read and write runes was considered an extremely beneficial skill.

Could be, but from what we current know of sobriquets/nicknames in Viking era Scandinavia, they're always based on a skill/achievement and never belongings (official titles being en exception to this rule, as those titles included what someone presided over). Mjölnir was neither conceptualized, forged or enchanted by

Try looking up "sexism" instead of "irony", then. Because i at no point made fun of or shamed her amount of "sluttiness" nor suggest it lessens her as a person (as nothing in her pictures proves or disproves the common archaic pejorative "slut"), and i would thank you not to assume my gender or a "closed-minded

Brilliant ideas you have there. ^_^ If it's no too presumptuous, i've got a few ideas that might improve them a bit.

Yeah, i think you might be well served with looking up what irony is, because making grand assumptions about someone judging other, shaming it and then do it yourself is a fairly good example.

Judging from this picture i don't actually have dust mite allergies! I have Headcrab allergy, which seem like a sensible thing for my body to reject. ^_^

Wow, they better handle this thing like a bottle nitroglycerin, because the reason intact bottles from that period is so rare, is because the bottle itself starts naturally disintegrating after 50-60 years in optimal above-water conditions (they're actually more environmentally friendly than most bottles we now have).

  1. Most of all, i want to be challenged by having my very foundation rocked.

Hey, you're among friends here, so you just go ahead and do what you need to do. ^_^

Now i just feel silly for not noticing that... Oh well, as least my comment was informative. ^_^

You're gonna have to rephrase that, as you kinda scrambled your argument beyond my ability to spot it.

I just like the superb irony of a woman supporting rape culture topless. It's like a devout Buddhist shooting a deer for fun or a vegan that only live off vegetables made of bacon, and it makes your question either humanity as a whole or if it's just an elaborate joke.

"Primordial" in biology refers to a family's first member (the species Nakalipithecus Nakayamai in this case) or the earliest state in an embryo's development, both of which rules out adult humans.

Only wild almonds contain the deadly hydrogen cyanide, while domesticated trees never produce it.

Someone get this guy a friggin' medal, because that tree is everything the modern world needs! Hell, even the smallest garden can accommodate 1 tree and anyone would shit a compost field if they would grow 40 different things in that one tree.

Now playing

Yeah, i still like then new fan-made theme better!

That the right subfamily, but the wrong species.

Yeah, this is Guillermo del Toro, a guy who likes to draw out the reveals to keep the suspense, which means complaining about a TV series 2 episodes in is much like stopping Pan's Labyrinth at the 10 minute mark, going "this is just another plain war movie". Or stopping 10 minutes into Pacific Rim, going "that bot was

Blue skies, bright morning, fresh coffee and some casual browsing on Gawker's various section. What a glorious way to start off my day. ^_^