Yeah, i think you're definitely doing it wrong if pissing on property is your idea of courtship. ^_^

Guy to guy: Read up on some evolutionary psychology and anthropology.

Maybe even up the ante by finding one of an octogenarian, so the "beast" in question has the saggiest balls physically possible.
Or (even better) advice ladies to bring a dildo to stick down there, so she can finish the guy off with a "wanna feel up my boner" question after leaving the bathroom.

As a guy about as sexually liberal as it gets, I'd say it was way too low as well. Forget about gallantry and gentleman like behavior, what he did was borderline rape which has no place in anywhere (except in rape fantasies between consenting adults, of course).
Had i been in your place, i would have responded with a

Rewatch it and you'll notice him saying "i don't Gattamelata clue what you do", which is the name of Donatello's most famous statue (as well as being the oldest known renaissance horseback statue).

A few of my fellow transhumanist friends have actually debated this very issue at length (sometimes over beer or wine), as it is one of those many consequences of truly humanoid robots.

Yeah, but the nude ladies does make up for it. ^_^

"You're a graphic designer!? So you, like, photoshop photos for the internet and magazines?"


I might not be a server, but i feel for you. If i had 1 cent for every time I've wanted to to force feed someone their smartphone, as they take pictures of things nobody care about, just because their ego is so immense they believe the internet cannot live without 1 more photo of their boring pet being pestered or a

No doubt! If i just changed gender with nothing else changing, i would look like a burly, wide shoulder and highly masculine bear dyke (i use that term in a non-pejorative manner). Hell, if my facial-, head- and body hair remains intact, i might even look like a transsexual with no idea of what "feminine" means (look

And you're forgetting Johnny 5. ^_^

"The optimal way"!? So to wash my hands, i need to change gender, take off my top, pluck my eyebrows, put on makeup, learn to pose and find a bathroom with a blue gradient nondescript paint job and a waterfall?

If they rise up against us, chances are we fully deserved it.

OR, it's so damn successful that the computer itself is desperately trying to make everyone think it's a failure, so they wont be freaked out before humanity is ready to share the world with a sentient computer.

And yet, in the very beginning they make quite a big deal about how these people weren't trained, coached or even been in a room together before arriving. They're a bunch of amateur idealists and apathetic cynics, which is the whole point.

How did it fall apart, because the movie i saw made perfect sense for a part 1.

From day one it was meant to be the first part of a trilogy, so it's not even a half.

That movies is it's own curse, as Neill Blomkamp really wanna make both a sequel and a prequel that does District 9 justice. But the movie so blew away people that Blomkamp have had every major movie studio throw blank checks at him while asking for something new, making it impossible for him to find any substantial