Had i gotten that message, i would have shrugged it off and thought it was an easter egg referencing something I'm unfamiliar with. And if i just had to know, i would have Googled it instead of bothering a busy game developer with needless easter egg questions.

One thing i think we should preserve (for the simple reason that we did it our own system), is naming systems with hospitable earth-size planets after pantheons. There are plenty of pantheons to draw on and it forever make sure hospitable systems can be recognized by names alone. ^_^

And you're well within your right to do so, but for me it shatters the illusion when a tween could think up of a better armor or spot weak points.

Indeed. ^_^

My apologies to everyone who wants their heroes in fancy, shiny or colorful spandex, but in my book any superhero outfit has to function in the real world, to some extent.

Yes. You need about 3-4 feet of optimally mixed cornstarch and water to stop most bullets, which is roughly 10-20% more effective than water. The problem though, is that high power rifles or armor-piercing bullets will cut through it more efficiently that water, as cornstarch+water will simply move out of the way (maki

A armor utilizing non-Newtonian liquids have been attempted to be developed since the early 40's by every western country, the Russians and a lot of Asian nation. So that's hardly news.

I'm sorry Nintendo, but language isn't something dictated by one person onto the masses. It's a liquid things that arises based on the consensus of the masses, underlined, unified and carried only by the need to communicate clearly in the same language.

I realize this is kinda low brow, but those mirror touch synesthetes must really get a kick out of porn!

No, i gotta agree with Crazybokchoy, in that a "word" is generally a spoken form of communication. It can also represent written communication, but gestures (while being as or more powerful than words) are not strictly speaking "words".

True, there could have been rape, but as we don't know anything about Denisovans (except DNA) and since this would have been happenign in the region that would later give rise to the warless Indus Valley Civilization, this isn't as clear cut as it could be.

An engineer who doesn't know about infrasound or it's effect on humans? I find that a little unbelievable, given that they're the guys who found the phenomenon and created a solution to it.

Granted. Part their ninja skills is random turning up and making people whit their pants. ^_^

Nope, it did nothing for me and I'm sitting in a shitty lit room at 1 AM, where most of the light in the room is my TV showing an even shittier show about "real ghost hunters" (an oxymoronic sentence), complete with "spooky" sound effects.

Not cool bringing a demonic date when you're haunting your boyfriend! At least be civil and stay to classics like freaking people the f*ck out on your own.

*Keeps smiling, while looking at lamp, charging up a new thunder bolt, in an increasingly nervous manner*

Remember to tell them young'ns whenever you can, because otherwise they won't know how incomprehensible they have it. ^_^


*sheds a tear and puts hand over heart*

So early Tibetans did the horizontal Zen with the mountain folks? ^_^