Since day 1 of that movie being announced, my first thought was that this cannot be done in America or Europe. The entirety of the series takes places in an overly Asian universe, which means that except casting Native Americans as the Water Tribe (given that they descent from the same people as those living in

Yes, Australia is just a continent of murder. They have the worlds most poisonous animal there, a tiny cone snail with a concoction that consist of over 200 individually deadly poisons, in such a immense concentration that 1 drop can kill 50 blue whales.

If you weren't married, i think i would have proposed to you by now. You're just all kinds of awesome. ^_^

SILENCE everyone, let this prophet speak! For Phoenix Knight Nova's words rings truer than all men before him!

I might not have been clear, which is my own fault, but my beef isn't with the idea of inheritance. My problem is with how an earned and an inherited title is assumed to be equal.

You'll need to get used to that, as some people will always dislike something because it's either "new" or "different", no matter how much better, smarter, prettier or useful it is. Hell, look back in time, and you'll see people falling over each other to make more dire predictions about how the first phones would

Jumping spiders have an unfair advantage, as their eyes are arrange in a way that makes their faces look more relatable to humans. In reality, most spiders would rather run, hide, play dead or ignore people, than they would fight even if they could easily win.
In fact, the small minority of spider who will attack even

Signal originating in Perseus Cluster and detect by scientists now proven to be of alien origin.

My theory: Look at Bonobo's.

Nah, i just told them about the perils, technology and trials of the future, and they kinda did the rest on their own, since i had to come back to this moment and comment on this post. ^_^

I have a few per-Depression era (the trend hit earlier here in Europe) uranium colored crystal glasses i inherited. They're just sherry/bitter glasses, but guest still "uh" and "aw" when i pull them out for that special after-dinner digestive with a minute radioactive twist. ^_^

Wow, did this article confuse me... I just read the headline and headed straight for the video, thinking "is she really gonna troll us by sitting in the throne".
But to my surprise and confusion, she didn't and as i turned to reading the text in the article itself, it quickly hit me that people don't seem to

Why!? It's not like the 3 movies in the series (1, 2 and "plural") has any connecting thread except for the Predator itself, so what's there to reboot? None of the victims knew of the enemy, none of them were really prepared and the cross-over of events between 1 and 2 were miniscule at best.

Maybe the little guy just wanted a hug. He just saw you and thought to himself that it was the nice lady who's been letting him live there free of charge, so a hug was the least he could do after all those times you didn't collect rent on him. ^_^

Oh, how i wish i could have been there and not because you went topless, but because that would have been eye wateringly funny to behold. Even now, after a few minutes of gathering myself together, i still chuckle at the thought of the facial expression of your son.
So thank you for that, it was a very welcomed

Very true. But like you likely realize, the meme itself is merely using a cure photo of a spider and not implying it applies to only one grouping of arachnids.

And remember that feeling next time you wanna squash a spider for being a spider, instead of just moving it outside.

When people say they hate spiders, kill them at first sight and don't appreciate what good they can do, this is what goes through my mind:

Yes please! That sweetheart can live on my ceiling any day, playing what i can only assume is a kick-ass drumbeat. ^_^

No, I'm a heterosexual male who've read multiple places that Bundy's greatest weapon was his looks, making him the archetype for Hollywood's "dashing mass murderer" character.