How about Bundy?

Hey hey, what happened to us. We're io9'ers, the open-minded and forward looking bunch that embraces differences and look forward to first contact. And what do we do when faced with the first image of an alien species? Make pantie jokes!?

I think we all need to step back and marvel at the supreme irony of an informational group calling themselves NADA, which when pronounced is the Spanish word for "Nothing".

Oh, i remember that Werepanther Rape scene all too well. Let me walk you through my experience here:

To be fair, the Native Americans only win over modern Americans by the fact that they arrived in America through a land-bridge, much like the First Men in Westeros. ^_^

I kinda got that, but the article is very much trying to convert the positions to an geographically similar position, so when you go for the idea of choosing another position that would be similar in spirit, you end up with the same problem the article did: We have no equivalent on earth to magical beings.

I love how one can see anthropomorphic and cultural assumptions here that are somewhat alien to the modern viewer. Granted, some like wolves and such are straight forward, but the Donkey guy looks like a delightful person.

I think you might have misunderstood the idea of The Wall. It's there to protect against a magically supported immortal elemental zombie-like army... Not immigrants.

Sorry, I'm not familiar with the character, so not sure what it means.

As far as i know, he was educated by Turkish and Greek Scholars imported from Constantinople until age 11 (in 1442), where he was sent as a loyalty hostage to the Ottoman Empire who continued his education (adding in classical logic, Islamic studies and teaching him to be fluent in Turkish).

Mike is gonna be researching a lot of a lot of script opportunities from now on. ^_^

Thank you. ^_^

Now all that's left is leaning to write like that and signing for shit in the style of the actual Dracula. ^_^

Very true. But like i pointed out, this was his name Latinized, which adds on a lot of stylish freedom and overly pointless complexity.

Sorry, but i have to correct you here: "Drac" is "devil" in modern Romanian, but "Dracula" is still an accept way of writing "son of the devil".
"Dracul" itself is only used when referencing Vlad II.

I think you might benefit from reading some history, because we're not talking about some obscure character (we're talking about a well known historical figure, recorded by multiple contemporary historians and with an immense bureaucratic paper trail).

Great, now zombies can silently and undetectably infiltrate our world and we'd be none the wiser...

Just toss in some professional-sounding terms and words, like starting the recording with "note to self", throwing in "research subject A and B", a few "further brainstorming sessions might be warranted" and then end them all with "call Mike about script opportunities".