I have Evernote for the same reason, but i just often find the act of handwriting to be more fluid that typing on a touch screen.


Mark Thompson's thought bubble:

Here's a few helpful hints to get you along:

Oh, i love that guy. By far, he does the most original re-imaginings of Star Wars, as he's not only faithful to the source material, but to the universe in which he inserts it.

Or the right combination that unlocks the secret Iron-Woman exoskeleton.

Does moaning "Hail Cobra" count as an official sign up? If so, this might be the downfall of GI Joe, as by the 12 month point after its release, Cobra will effective be millions women dedicated to make sure Cobra will never go out of business (because, more toys) and a small handful of dudes in 80's costumes.

I respectfully beg to differ, sir. I do believe that these 3 puppies are officially the cutest thing upon this world, at this very moment...

Easiest golf course in human history: 1 hole, you start inside it aaand... That's about it, you're all winners.

What i learned today:

I'll see myself out... ^_^

The psychological factor should be disregarded just because washing doesn't offer greater sanitary conditions, so if you feel better/cleaner washing and wiping then all the more power to you. ^_^

I can't speak for every nation, but here in Denmark bidets were all the rage back in the 60's and 70's. But because it took more time, most businesses quickly abandoned them by the mid 60's.

My main problem with using brown toilet paper, would be that it would only confuse me, as i only stop wiping when there's no more feces on the paper. Without that visual input, i would likely use way more paper than I'd need, given that I'd want to be triple sure i got it all.
Same would go for black toilet paper and

I mainly use Soundcloud for listening to and finding music (it's free, simple, high quality, contain many extremely good unknown artists who upload their music themselves), so give my profile a look.
It has everything/everyone I've liked or reposted, but keep in mind that it covers a wide variety of styles, as i use

They can still do it. Just pull a few B-29's out of storage, equip them with WWII type nuclear bombs and as they transform Japan into a perfectly flat surface, claim that in reality they send 100 planes to nuke 'em, but 98 of them mysteriously vanished into some kinda space-time distortion.

I'm guessing: To disprove a benevolent god!

So... When Heath Ledger passed, a group of Japanese said to themselves "Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology..."

We're all going to get horribly murdered by this thing!

To be fair, that's merely one of the many possible problems that could arise, but like many things surrounding this kinda "warp drive" it's based on speculations of unknown factors.