There's a post-apocalyptic, retro-futuristic or dystopian movie set hiding in those pictures. No zombie flicks though, as we've has way to many of those by now.

Great, another nation with F-bomb capabilities. Now we're one step to F*ck-clear winter and errorists using dirty-word-bombs in urban environments.

That's the exact reason i love Super 8. The story is nearly identical to E.T. except the alien is proper alien.

Wow, that guy is creepy as fuck!

The technology actually exist and could be build by any hobbyist willing to sift through the thousands of now open source blueprints. The problem is that safety requirements have gone up considerably since then, as the Apollo's were basically a thin-walled metal space dingy with half the computing power of a Commodore

There's no such thing as "Species Advancement", as evolution is a process and not a direction. Every species pretty much belong to 2 categories in terms of their evolutionary advancement: Extinct and Extant.

Exactly. People see "white" skin, blond hair, dominant pose and someone with another melanin concentration, and boom it can only be racism. Which ironically is a racist assumption given the lack of any solid evidence.

Notice that i never state that he's European. I mentioned the possibility of a stereotypical German accent, but with the addition of "Aryans and shit" it's not really meant to be more than a joke.

Isla Nublar, right next to the harbor. If you find yourself inside the raptor enclosure, you've walked to far. ^_^

Actually, we've always broken down things into more specific categories. It naturally happens when a category includes too much variation, making the term increasingly less descriptive.

The problem with too inclusive terms is that they loose all depth and detail vital to understanding the complex world around us.

Given that Dimetrodon and dinosaurs are about as related as humans are to crocodiles, i think it's a very needed distinction.

Am i the only one to notice that his hair is technically "platinum blond"?

I've never understood why Idiocracy is listen on IMDb as a comedy, when clearly it's the most frightening dystopian horror movie of the 21st century.

I may be alone in this, but if i had to go before my time, then "Death/Crushed/Impaled by the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier" would pretty much be my definition of "worth it" (suicide would just be sad, though).
Just imagine the eulogy: "He lived a long joyful life, overcoming much and making dear friends... Until he 1up'ed

Then all is right with the world. ^_^

Trust me, I'm not trying to pick a fight with you. I'm just in a joking mood, so no matter the armament, munitions or lack thereof, it's all meant in good jest. ^_^

Donald Duck obviously has to be Ironborn in this scenario, though as i was quite fond of the character as a child I'm gonna steer clear of wanting him to be Theon Greyjoy.

I do hope you realize that my joke including "nothing" other than the flag and Bowie, so you're (unknowingly I'm guessing) admitting to fight was wearing nothing but a rucksack. ^_^

Maybe Morgoth is just really good at mindbending magic and through it has managed to convince all of Middle Earth's citizens that Middle Earth and all it's magical creatures are merely works of fiction by a guy named Tolkien.