I've got one XTREME workout for you: Get airdropped into a Middle Easter desert with nothing but a huge American flag and a bowie knife. And if you return to American soil within 60 days, you can get your passport and papers back.

All animals taste differently depending on age, but if i recall correctly the meat he was given was from an adult.
At any rate, he also noted sharp hints of goat, high game and pork like taste characteristics, but since veal was the most dominant flavor, it's only the type of meat it could best be compared to in his

I feel for you... Maybe one day Google will remember that some users would like to have all features available to them, but until then we can only hope.

First off, sorry about the typo calling the Vomeronasal Organ "Jacob's Organ". I should have checked what i wrote.

I see someone has already mentioned William Seabrook, who io9 ran an article on some 4-5 months ago. Given that he's a gourmand and that he actually took the time to thoroughly deconstruct the experience, i think he's likelier to be right than most.

As we all should when faced with exciting new tech. But we also need a pinch of the "voice of simplicity" from time to time, so i thought i might as well play that role this one time.

Article needs to change the title, as "bizarre" doesn't really capture the bat shit crazy and suicidal plans listed here.

Unholy Bat-Nipples, this womans nether regions is practically a water slide! And i say that with all respect to what women go through, but this is just madness.

io9 introducing: The Anti-Food diet! You loose all that excess weight in a flash and given the flash annihilative properties, you'll never have to worry about your weight ever again.

Wouldn't it be easier to do what Star Trek claims, pick up elementary particles or atomic matter in space and use that for propulsion after converting it into whatever they need?

Sounds like the scrapped Jurassic Park 4 plot, but written by someone in junior high who's trying to out-crazy a dime-store novel. Which means I'm skeptical, as the old plot was scrapped since insane crossbreeding would be likely to kill the franchise.

I like to think it's more like the autocannibalistic functions within our body that absorb nutrients from failed or dead cells. That term seems less unnatural, though given the subject we're firmly located in the Twilight Zone, which pretty much means the name we chose is irrelevant. ^_^

I just had a tingle moving up my spine, ending in a warm fuzzy sensation spreading across through my brain, reaching every corner in a mellowing bloom...

Indeed. Best part about the show is that it shows a somewhat more realistic scenario of what would happen if aliens invaded us.

While it's a tempting assumption, nobody actually knows why human females have the kinda plumped up breasts they have. Theories vary wildly and most are related to how breasts have dual functions as both milk producers and secondary/tertiary sexual fitness indicators, but yours is definitely a new one.

Same difference. A woman being plump or well off sends the same signals in human mating, as both shows said woman has enough of a surplus of energy/food/wealth to ensure the survival of offspring if the man should perish. So to early humans they're both strong mating signals, sending the same message that children

Now playing

As i watch this episode, 2 thoughts came to mind:

Now playing

Of course we wont. A new species, very like us and with ancestors who were some of us, will be those who overcome and expand into the cosmos. Calling them human would be as much an act of taking away their accomplishments, as it would be to list your parents names instead of your own.

Hipster Parties: The Early Years.

Definitely impressive, but it does not surpass the handcrafted goodness of this world clock, as it allows you to see the cogs doing their work with insane precision: